38| Promise

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Thanksgiving came and went.

This year was the best thanksgiving I've ever had.

Because not only Ben, but me too, had someone to bring home with us.

The vibe at home was just more lively than usual. Not that when it's just the three of us, we don't have fun. But the more the merrier, right?

My mom had a speech prepared, telling us how much she's thankful for us and the new two people that have entered our life. That she's thankful for our health and happiness.

I was slightly surprised when Luca said he wanted to say some words.

He had said he is grateful that he has met so many wonderful people this year after transferring universities. I almost cried when he took my hand and said he's most grateful that he got to know me and that he can call me his girlfriend.

Today, a week later, it's finally my birthday.

December second.

I'm finally twenty years old.

In the morning my momma, Sara, Victoria and moi had brunch together. Then I had dinner with mom and Benny. My mom gifted me a hundred dollars voucher to buy fabric. Benny gave me a kiss on the cheek and said that was his present for me. I knew he was just joking, because after my mother not so subtly pinched him, he pulled out a velvet box with some fancy earrings. He also gave me a mug that says 'I have the best big brother'. It is true most of the times, but he can be annoying as hell sometimes.

After dinner, I went back to my dorm room and was just planning on spending it in my bed. I have gotten no messages from Luca. Ever since our conversation about him not knowing when my birthday is, he hadn't brought it up again. I expect him to have asked Sara, but with every passing minute I got a little more sad that he still does not know that today is my birthday.

Yesterday, he sent me a text telling me he'll be spending the today with his family. And knowing that they mean a lot to him, I didn't mention my birthday.

Currently, I'm searching for a movie to watch with Sara. There are also two bottles of wine on my nightstand. I'm planning on drinking one to help me not think about that I'm hurt about Luca not even sending me a text throughout the day.

I know when he's spending the day at his parents' house; he doesn't get the chance to talk to me often. But he usually sends me a text here and there. So this is a little of out of his character.

"What do you think about The Exorcist?" I call out to Sara. I hear her footsteps nearing. "I can snuggle with you after." She is a little scared of horror movies, she only likes to watch them in broad daylight, or someone has to sleep next to her.

When she doesn't answer me, I look up. My breath catches in my lungs when I see that it's not Sara standing in the doorway.

It's Luca.

Holding the biggest bouquet of roses I've ever seen.

I'm too stunned to move or say anything, to even blink.

The only thought running through my mind is that he didn't forget my birthday.

He comes inside, sets the flowers on the foot of the bed. Then he takes my hand and lifts me to a standing position. Suddenly my body unfreezes and I throw my hands around his neck.

"Happy birthday, love."

My body shakes with the sob I let out. I didn't know how much it hurt that he didn't acknowledge me today at all. My birthday. The entire day, I kept telling myself that it's just a regular day, which it is. But my mom always made such a big day out of it—only toning it down as we got older—that I was hoping I'd at least spend some time with him.

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