25| Empty Room

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The past week has gone by exceptionally slow. I've made a jump start on my designs that have to be submitted in a little less than three weeks. I've been texting with Luca, but I managed to see him only a couple of times. I felt bad when I lied to him and told him I was busy to meet up with him—I wasn't that busy. Sara picked up on my tactics, but she said nothing about it.

When I'm around him, it's like my brain freezes and I can't make good choices. I think it's good to distance myself a bit from him. After two attempts of trying to see me and getting turned down, he gave up and told me to call him when I have time.

"Hey, we're going to Lusso. You want in?" Sara sticks her head in my room.

"Who's we?"

"The usual crew. Me, Alex, Luca, and a couple of my friends are also going but we don't have to stay with them." At the mention of Luca's name, I internally cringe. I almost say no to her but decide it's been a week since I saw him and I kind of miss seeing his face. Hearing his voice. Having his lips on mine. His arms around-

"Yes or no?" Sara's voice pulls me out of my fantasizing about Luca.


There's a knock at our door at exactly nine p.m. I'm wearing a white silk dress. It isn't something I usually wear to a club, but club Lusso is fancier than other ones so I wanted to dress up a bit. My accessories and heels are gold.

Sara's voice is loud and excited as she calls out my name. I hesitate by my bedroom door and I do a double take in front of my mirror. Deciding I can't look any better, I make my way to the living room.

Like magnets, Luca's dark eyes pull me to meet his gaze. Sara catcalls me, but I'm too focused on Luca to register fully what she's saying.

Like always, the top three buttons of his... white silk dress shirt are left open. Making his skin appear even tanner and thus looking extra sexy and handsome. My feet somehow drag me towards him. I think I hear Sara saying she'll wait for us outside and when a grin appears on his plump lips, I take the last step and throw my hands around his neck.

He chuckles and my feet lift from the ground. His scent is intoxicating me without the use of harmful drugs. When we pull away, he blows a soft whistle while his eyes scan me. Slowly. Lingering on my chest. I roll my eyes, but he just smirks at me.

"You look gorgeous."

"Let's fucking go" Sara's eager voice booms from the halls.

The club is packed with bodies, the music selection is genius. The music at Ben's parties needs to up its game. Like last time we came here, Luca says something to the bouncer, gestures to us and we just go in without ID or having to wait in line.

"Did you bribe someone to get us in?" Alex asks.

"I know the owner." I can tell he's hesitant to answer, as his lips slightly purse and he glances away from us, trying to evade more questions. I yell over the music that I'm going to get us drinks to prevent Alex or Sara from digging for more answers.

Pulling the same trick as last time, I lean on the bar table so my boobs are more visible, and sure enough a bartender skips a couple of guys to my right and comes straight to me to take my order. In the corner of my eyes, I see a familiar shape. It's the same dude that made me my drinks last time, the guy with the tattoos. He smirks and his eyes dip to my pushed up boobs. I uncross my arms and look at the bartender who sets my drinks in front of me.

When I push my card to him, he pushes it back at me. "It's on the house."

"Do you have the liberty to say that?" I have no idea why I asked that, I should just accept the free drinks and move along.

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