17| Lusso

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I pretend to wipe away sweat from my forehead. The couple of students around me laugh and nod, agreeing with me.

I finally turned in my designs. The last two days were less stressful as I didn't have too much to do anymore. Only some tweaking here and there.

"I feel like a zombie from my lack of sleep this week." Jacob says. We all nod.

"We're all going to club Lusso tonight to celebrate. Everyone should be there." Maya says to the group. We all say that we'll be there and, say goodbyes to each other and then go our separate ways.

When I enter my dorm, I see Sara and Alex in the living room watching some movie. I greet them and plop down on the love seat.

"You guys have anything planned tonight?" I ask.

I see Alex's hand drag upward on her thigh. "Maybe,"

"My classmates are going clubbing to celebrate. You should come with me." I pull out my phone and scroll to Luca's name. But I don't have to scroll too much as it's the second name in my messages because we text frequently.

"Ooh yes. It's been long since I went to a real club." Sara says excitedly, Alex wants to protest but she gives him her signature puppy eyes and he nods to me.

I stand up, clutching my phone. "Great! I'll text Luca." When I'm at the door to my room I call, "we leave at eight."

I decided to wear a lavender colored tight dress. It has strings on either sides so the dress looks scrunched up. I straightened my hair and it almost reaches my butt. I have black winged eyeliners on but my lips are nude with a tint of glossiness from my lipbalm.

I smile proudly when I see Sara wearing a two piece set that I made last year. Her curly hair bouncing on her shoulders.

"Damn babe! You look hot." She praises.

I try to whistle, "you look incredible as well."

"Should we meet them in the parking lot or tell them to come pick us up from here?" She asks.

"We're already dressed so might as well just go to them." I shrug.

Since it's a Friday night, almost every one is dressed up to go partying. We walk along side some students to the parking lot, some already doing shots.

When I spot Luca, my breath hitches from how hot and handsome and sexy and beautiful and...and I have to stop.

He looks incredible and like a Greek God—or should I say Italian?—in his black plaid pants and white dress shirt. Like always, the top three buttons are undone.

I touch my lips with my fingertips. Phew...I'm not drooling.

Sara walks the last steps fast and she hugs her boyfriend. When they break away I greet him and turn to Luca. He puts a hand on my waist and one my cheek, softly sweeping his thumb across my cheek.

He leans into my ear, "you look beautiful." He whispers. The feeling of butterflies that I always get when I'm near him intensifies.

"You look handsome as well." I pat his chest. Then I finger the cross necklace around his neck.

"Alright let's go." Alex declares and I drop the necklace from my fingers.

We all hop in his car. Luca and I in the backseat. He opened the door for me and sat right next to me, even when there's space on his left side. He keeps his hands on his thighs but I so badly want him to put them on mine and begin to drag them upward, under my dress.

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