09| Ideas

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We reach my studio, with me mostly stumbling on the way, because I'm snickering and giggling the entire time.

I can't get Luca's expression out of my head. Did he seriously think I was going to blow him in the middle of the street?

Not that I'm opposed to the idea, but I'd like to do it in a more private place and when I'm not so tipsy.

He, on the other hand, was not amused. He kept telling me to stop laughing and mumbling curse words under his breath. He also apologized for how his mind immediately went to the gutter for a moment back there.

I twist my key and the door opens. I take a few steps in so I can throw my heels and purse on the floor, then I turn around to face Luca.

"Are you sure you'll be fine on your own?" He asks, concerned.

I nod, "This is not the first time I sleep alone here."

I walk out of the threshold and give him a sloppy hug. He doesn't have time to hug me back because I pull away and take a step backwards.

"I had fun tonight." I tell him while grinning, totally insinuating our kiss earlier.

"Yeah, me too." His eyes dip down to my lips and back up so fast I almost missed it if we weren't standing close to each other.

"Goodnight." I say softly.


☀ ☀ ☀

My mom prepared a celebratory brunch for the win of yesterday's game.

The table is full with food, you'd think she invited the whole football team. When it's just Ben, my mama and me. She has made the typical brunch food like pancakes, waffles, toast, eggs, fruits and mini pizzas.

"You can put this plate on the table." She says from behind the stove. She is wearing a long flowing dress with an apron tied around her hips.

My mother is my best friend. She had Ben and I before she turned twenty-five, so the age difference is not huge. Which helps her understand us better.

It has, for as long as I can remember, only been the three of us. My relatives live in other states, and our relationship with them is not that great. My mom is an only child, and we only call our grandparents during holidays.

Ben and I learned from a very young age to go to her if we had problems, or wanted to ask her anything. It was that easy for us to ask her about anything because she was our best friend.

For example, when I first found out about sex, she helped me understand it better and how to be safe and what to do if something goes wrong.

I talk to her as if I'm talking to Sara. I can tell her about a bad hookup I had. Or something silly, like a pretty painting I saw on the street. She does the same with me. She is honest with me, and Ben, and tells us if she met someone and wants to take it a step further.

The trust we have was earned and if one of us is going through something, they're the first people I'd go to.

I grab the plate with the hummus and put it next to the cut veggies.

"Benny! Food's read." She shouts so Ben can hear her from his room on the first floor.

I immediately hear his loud footsteps. When he enters the dining room adjoined to the kitchen, he sniffs the air and sighs in content before plopping down on his seat.

"Ah, I haven't had a home cooked meal in so long." He grabs a carrot, dips it in hummus and eats it.

"Do you only get takeout food at the house?" Mom asks with a horrified expression.

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