06| Silent Walk

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We walk side by side in the now empty street.

Almost all houses on this long road are for students. So no cars ride on it unless it's owned by a student. And since most students come to parties on foot, not a single vehicle has driven by us since we stepped outside of Ben's house.

We keep stealing glances at each other. But every time we make eye contact, he looks away swiftly.

The walk goes by quicker than I want it to. We reach our street and not a word from either of us has been uttered.

He's acting a bit different, distant, since our kiss and I can't figure out why. Did he regret kissing me? He was the one who made that bet.

Was I a bad kisser? I was told that I'm a good—no, great—kisser, so that possibility is slim.

Is he waiting for me to say something? I want to but I don't know what!

The building of my dormitory comes into view. The sound of my heels clicking on the asphalt is the only sound I can hear beside my thoughts, and it's almost driving me crazy.

Why did he offer to walk me back home when he was planning on staying mute the entire way home?

I open my purse and reach for the chip card so I can unlock the main door of the building. The back of our palms touch and I sense his eyes on me, but I just keep mine focused forward because I'm sure he'll look away when our eyes meet.

The front gate opens with a click sound. I walk inside and he follows me to the third door on the right, which is my dorm. I put the key in and open the door. I turn around to face him. His hands are in the front pockets of his shorts.

"Thank you for walking me back." I say with a soft smile.

He clears his throat before he speaks. "Yeah, sure. No problem."

He looks at my eyes and doesn't look away. My smile broadens at that. He didn't look away this time.

His gaze dips down to my lips. I want him to lean in and connect our lips.

He doesn't.

I take a small step forward. His eyes flick back up to my eyes. I see a slightly surprised look in them.

I put my hand on his shoulder and lean in. My face is inches away from his. I can feel his breath fanning my face. Our noses touch just slightly.

My head moves direction, and my lips connect with his left cheek. They linger on his cheek for a bit longer than necessary.

I back away, but not entirely, then I whisper a soft "goodnight" to him.

"Goodnight." He whispers back, his voice thick.

Removing my hand from his shoulder, I turn sideways so I can completely open the door. I step on the threshold and glance at him. His lips are parted and I regret kissing his cheek instead of his plump lips.

Before shutting the door shut, I give him one last smile.

I fall asleep replaying the amazing kiss in my head.

☀ ☀ ☀

Friday morning, I wake up pretty early since my body is used to it. I get up and decide to tidy my room a bit while Sara is still sleeping.

She really is not a morning person.

Eating a quick breakfast, I decide it's the perfect weather for a run. The sun is out, but it's slightly clouded. The early morning breeze makes my entire body erupt in goose bumps.

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