28| Tricks And Advice

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"Are you almost ready?" Luca asks from the living room.

I spent more time than usual getting ready. I'm nervous to meet his cousins, especially after what I'm about to tell him.

I kept my attire simple. My baby-blue dress is reaching mid-thigh and the accessories are not too much. I'm brining a denim jacket with me in case it gets cold on the way back.

When I exit my room I see Luca, looking hot as ever in his jeans and hoodie.

At the sound of my footsteps, he turns around from filling his glass with water and his eyes rake my body.

"Hey." He grins.


"Ready to go?"

"Um, I actually changed my mind." His lips and brows face down, but he quickly gives me an assuring smile.

"It's okay. You don't have to go. But it'll be fun. If you want me to stay here with you, I'll call them and-"

"No, I'm still going. I was taking about something else." I take the last couple of steps and wrap my arms around his neck. He beams at me.

"What's up?"

"Remember how when you asked me to go with you and I asked what you'll introduce me as to them?" He nods and furrows his brows, confused. "I don't want you to introduce me as 'Bella'." I bite my lip and wait for him until he gets what I'm saying.

"I was already planning on saying 'Isabella', because that nickname is reserved for me. Is that also not fine?"

I shake my head. "I want you introducing me as your girlfriend." He looks at me for a beat and then launches himself at me. Kissing me with urgency.

"Really?" I nod and a squeal leaves my lips when he bends down and throws me over his shoulder and carries me back to my room.

"What are you doing?"

I bounce slightly when he puts me on the bed. He climbs on top and starts kissing me and almost making me forget we have people waiting for us.

"Luca, your cousins are waiting for us."

"Fuck them. I want you all to myself right now." He growls and starts grinding his hips against me.


"Bella." He imitates my whiny voice. He lifts his head to look into my eyes. "I've been wanting to ask you to be my girlfriend from the first time I kissed you." His grin gets even wider before he asks, "Does that mean I'm your boyfriend?"

I laugh and peck his lips. "Yes. You're my boyfriend."

"Say that again."

"You're my boyfriend." He starts kissing my neck.


"You're my boyfriend." I breathe out.

"I've been planning it in my head for ever how I wanted to ask you to be mine and you just..." he shakes his head while grinning and then he starts kissing me again.

"I'm yours now." I pull him closer to me.

"And I'm yours."

While walking to my boyfriend's car, he stops in the middle of campus filled with students and gives me one hard kiss that melts me into a puddle.

"What's that for?"

"I just wanted to kiss my beautiful girlfriend."

He kisses me before I get into his car and at every red light. When parked in front of club Lusso, he had me moaning from the intensity of his lips.

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