08| I Have

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I see Ben in the backyard with Jace and a ginger girl. I make my way to them after releasing Luca's hand so he can talk to a few guys. When I'm close to them, I can tell they're speaking lower than you should at a party. I put one arm on each of their shoulders as they're standing next to each other and the pretty girl in front of them.

"Boys." I say.

Jace clears his throat. "Izzy."

"This party is no fun." I say and remove my hand from around them. Ben looks at me amusingly and I already know what he's going to say. "How about we play never have I ever?" I say the first thing that comes to mind.

"Yes, this game is super fun!" The redhead says and puts her hand on Ben's upper arm.

I see Jace shaking his head and Ben has a horrified expression. "This game is lame." He retorts.

After convincing them we will play the dirtier version, they finally agree. Ben orders the DJ to turn the music down a little so we don't need to shout. I send Sara and Luca, who probably went inside for a drink, a message to come to the garden so we can play. After ten minutes, Ben, Jace, Sara, Alex, Luca, me, the redhead and three other girls are sitting in a circle with our cups full of various types of liquor.

I explain the game to them and start with the first statement, "Never have I ever...faked an orgasm." The redhead named Jackie, and another girl takes a sip. Catching Jace's gaze, he winks at me and he looks pleased with himself as I didn't take a sip.

Sara is next. "Never have I ever said the wrong name during sex." Ben and Luca take a sip.

I look at Ben surprised. "Really? Dude!"

We all take turns and it's now Luca trying to think of a question. "Never have I ever..." He stirs the liquid in his cup and looks up. He meets my gaze and holds eye contact when he asks, "taken a nude or sexy photo of myself."

Sara and Alex both take a sip. Of course. The two girls and Ben lift their cup to their mouth as well. The girls are giggling and I hear one of them suggesting to show Ben an example.

I slowly lift the cup and take a big sip while keeping eye contact with Luca. I know he asked this question so he can learn my answer to it. He bites his lip softly and wiggles in his seat. I smirk.

It's now Ben's turn. He is taking this game way too seriously, he's been trying to come up with a question for almost five minutes.

"Just say anything, man." Alex tells him.

He looks down at his cup, but I don't miss the wicked grin that forms on his face. "Never have I ever slept with someone from this circle." I still. I try not to glance at Jace to not expose myself.

Of course, Sara and her boyfriend take a sip and she giggles. Redhead and the girl next to her hesitantly both take a sip. I glance at Jace, he looks amused at the girls because it's clear they slept together. He doesn't seem like he is going to drink, though.

If we both take a sip, it'll become clear we slept together.

I feel Sara's eyes on my profile, but I ignore her. She knows I'm sleeping with Jace, but she also knows I don't want Ben knowing about it. Not that he's gonna yell and be mad at me, but he thinks it will affect his relationship with Jace. It hasn't so far.

And I definitely don't need Luca to know when he's just had his tongue in my mouth. I'm sure he knows I'm nowhere near a virgin but I've seen him talk a lot to Jace in these parties so I don't want him to get awkward around him.

Ben cocks an eyebrow at me. "Really Bells, you've never?" He says accusingly. I shake my head. I catch his eyes flick to Luca, a couple of seats to his left. And now I understand he asked this question talking about me and Luca, not Jace. As Jace is sitting on the right to him.

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