29| Drunk

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I've been pushing back this particular call with my mom for more than a week now. My previous calls with her the past week have been short and awkward. At least for me.

Sara only found out that Luca and I have officially begun dating because he keeps calling me 'my girlfriend'. It's not like I didn't want to tell her, but I was enjoying the little bubble with only Luca and I in, like it was our secret. She started jumping up and down with excitement and hugged me so hard I almost blacked out.

"Hey Isabella. How's it going?" My mom's voice comes from my phone.

"Hey mama. Good. How are you doing?"

"Good, good. Benny and his girlfriend are coming next Wednesday. You're coming too, right?" Her excited voice echoes through the speakerphone while I tidy the mess in my room. Usually I'm a neat person, but I've been spending each free minute with Luca that the clothes and clutter on the floor kept piling up that I had to leave Luca's warm and strong arms and clean it all.

"Yes, of course. Can't wait to embarrass him in front of her."

"Izzy. It's best if you keep those stories for next time. So she'll be more warmed up to us." She laughs. We talk for a while, she asks me how far I am with my designs and how is Sara doing.

"How is Luca? Have you seen him recently?"

The perfect opening for my announcement.

"Well... he's my boyfriend now." I just say and wait for the information to sink, and when it does, the loudest shriek ever comes from the phone.

"Izzy, that's great! I like him a lot. How did he ask you? I bet it was so romantic. He looks like the romantic type." My mom being a romance writer wants everything to be sweet and romantic.

I chuckle, "I was the one to ask him, actually."

"Really? Well, that's also great. You shouldn't wait for him if you already know what you want. This is actually really good. I can use this for the next chapter I'm writing. Talk to you later, honey. Love you."

"Love you too." Well, that went the other direction I was expecting it to go.

I'm sure now she's going to stay in her room and write for a week straight. That's how she is.


"Luca's not sleeping over?"

After going to my lectures and working on my designs, Sara comes into my room and plops herself next to me on the bed, getting comfortable.

"No, he's having dinner with his parents."

"It feels great, right? Now that you're officially dating."

I smile. "Yeah. I can now kiss him in public and not care what everyone thinks."

"Totally." She starts twirling one of her curls between her fingers. This is a habit she has when she's nervous about something.

"Are you okay?"

She sighs before speaking. "Alex is acting weird."

"Okay, weird how?"

"I don't know. He looks like he has something on his mind the whole time."

I grab her hand to stop her from tugging at her hair any further. "You can use your lawyer skills." I joke, but she doesn't smile.

"I don't think this time is a surprise or something like that."

"Just ask him, then. Or do you want me to talk to him?"

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