11| Dip

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The sky has turned dark and the stars appear more noticeable on the beach because of the lack of light coming from cars and shops. The sand between my toes is still warm and the breeze that sweeps through my hair feels refreshing.

We walk side by side, our hands touching now and then. I take him to an even more secluded area of the beach, where there's a small cave kind of hidden at the end of the shore. You can reach it if you keep walking straight. Not many people know of its existence and certainly not tourists. It's the perfect place to do what I'm hoping we're going to do.

I walk until my feet hit the water. The temperature is not too cold from the hot sun the entire day. Luca stands at the beginning of the cave, watching me. I amble up to him and look into his eyes. His gaze is not hungry and filled with lust, like those times we kissed, but with something softer, more gentle. My chest tightens as I smile at him.

His hand reaches out and he plucks a strand of hair behind my ear after twirling it between his fingers. He caresses my cheek while his other palm rests on my jaw. His eyes roam my face, like he's looking for something. But I'm not sure what.

My eyes focus on his dark ones. I could get hypnotized by them and I wouldn't mind. They're so dark but yet it feels like I can see through them.

I grab his shirt by his waist, wanting to pull him closer to me but I don't. I simply just hold him.

His thumb sweeps over my parted lips and I hold my breath, wanting him to make a move this time. He studies my face for a beat, then drops his arms and looks out at the cave.

"This is really cool." His voice is hoarse, so he clears his throat.

I pull myself out of the daze he put me in. "I know, right? You should be here during sunset."

He walks a little further inside the cave, but I stay rooted in my place.

There is something I can't figure out about him.

I recall the times we kissed, he always is the one to make the move, but I'm the one who actually takes the last step to connect our lips every time. I wonder why.

Walking back to the water, I splash it with my foot.

"Is it cold?" He is back at the start of the cave. I take a couple of steps towards him and smile while nodding. "So, will you answer my earlier question?''

I survey my surroundings, making sure no one is around. When the coast is clear, I take off my shirt, leaving my bikini top on.His eye seem to widen a little, thinking that I was just bluffing.

I stand in front of him and wrap my shirt around his eyes and tie it at the side. He tries to swat my hands away, but I don't let him.

"No peeking until I say so." I whisper in his ear, trying to get him a little riled up.

He huffs but then nods. I smirk even though he can't see me.

I take off my shorts and then my bikini bra. I slightly hesitate when I reach for my bottoms. But I shake my head and pull them down before I can begin overthinking this.

I walk backwards to make sure he doesn't peek. He calls my name, but I don't answer. His arm reaches outwards but doesn't reach me. He takes steps forward and I turn around and quickly cross the six feet of sand and into the water. A shiver runs down my spine when the water touches my stomach.

I see him take his blindfull off before I tell him to. My breasts are above water level, but from where he's standing and in the dark, it's not very noticeable.

He walks and undresses at the same time, making him almost fall. I stifle a laugh and get deeper in the water, until it reaches my shoulders. When he hooks his thumb into his boxer briefs, I sink my head under water.

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