24| Interrogation

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"Mmm, this champagne is actually good." Sara takes another sip of the bubbly liquid. It's a virgin champagne, but as Sara said, it is good.

We currently have our feet in the water, filled with all kinds of salts and essential oils that are supposedly good for us. I don't know if I believe all of this but I feel relaxed so, whatever.

We decided to splurge and go to a more fancy clinic. The atmosphere here is expensive and peaceful. They keep the drinks flowing, and snacks to keep the customers happy.

"So." She sets her glass on the table that's between our seats. "Now that you have some liquid courage in you," she says sarcastically. "I'm ready to start my interrogation." A dirty smirk stretches across her face and she doesn't try to hide it.

"Ugh, just start." Sara studying to become a lawyer has helped her countless times to get information out of me and her boyfriend. Alex has prepared a surprise trip for the two of them one time, but she knew he was acting weird and suspicious, and of course her first thought is that he was going to break up with her. She started asking all kinds of questions and pressing him until he broke and she ruined the surprise for her. After that she toned her interrogations a bit. But when it comes to me? Not so much.

"I'm not gonna start with the sex because I know for a fact it's amazing other wise you wouldn't sleep in his room for the past week." Two women come in the room and they sit on little stools and take our feet out of the water and they start massaging them.

"You usually don't stay the night over, let alone a whole week. What the fuck is that about?" She chuckles.

"I don't know. He has some magic powers or something. I basically do everything he tells me."

"Mmm, does that also mean...sexually?" The women working on Sara's feet scowls but the other one, who's younger—mid twenties probably—is trying to hide her smile.

"I thought you weren't gonna ask about sex, bitch."

"No, I said I wasn't gonna start with the sex questions." She takes a long sip. "Is this the same thing as...wait, what happens with Jace now?"

"I told him yesterday I wanted to end it." From the corners of my eyes I see her gaping at me.

"Really? Dammit, here I thought you finally will have a threesome." The older women coughs and mutters something unintelligible.

Shut up, Karen!

"I mean it was already kinda complicated with Jace, you know? We had to tip toe around Ben and the rest of the team."

"You sure that's the only reason?"

No. I like Jace a lot, but it was mostly sexually. He's just a good friend who I had a sexual relationship with. With Luca I feel a kind of connection I've never felt before. It's like we've known each other for a lot longer. When I'm around him, it's like my body cells do all kinds of chemistry reactions and my entire body feels on fire, in a good way.


She hums in response and she doesn't need to use her lawyer skills to get me to talk. "He makes me feel good and appreciated. I have a lot of fun when I'm with him. He knows a lot of things about me in just a short amount of time. I also find myself wanting to learn all the little details about him. Like how he drinks his coffee. What time he wakes up and goes to sleep. How he always scratches his scruff when he's nervous." Sara's hand lands on my arm and it stops my rambling.

She's smiling like she's knows something I don't.

"We'll be back in ten minutes." The young women says and they get out of the room.

Oh, I forgot about them.

The rest of the day is filled with more beverages, snacks, relaxing atmosphere and a lot of massages. I may have fell asleep during my back massage, until Sara flicked my ear and woke me up.

We talked about everything and nothing. Mostly about boy problems. I told her how I feel about the Luca situation and she listened to me intently.

"You don't have to think about these things too hard, babes." The sauna we're currently sitting in feels like I'm in hell. I'm used to heat but damn, this is on another level.

"I'm usually not an over thinker. I don't even know what I'm doing. I almost slept over again yesterday."

"You could have. I wouldn't have mind."

"No, I didn't not sleep there because of you. I didn't want to say yes to him just because he wanted me to." He has managed to make me sleep in his bed for a consecutive week. He even didn't let me use my own shower gel that I brought with me, because he wanted me smelling like him. I know I'm being kind of ridiculous, it's not like he forced me to do these things.

"Look, I can't tell you what to do. Because it's your decision at the end of the day. But, don't be so hard on yourself, okay? It's okay to want to spend time with him. Don't feel bad about it."

"Ugh, enough talk about him. Ooh did I tell you about Benny? I think he has a girlfriend."

"Oh my god, really. Who is she?"

"I don't think you know her. She doesn't really come to parties. Last nights when I was with Luca-" it's like I can't escape him, "in Ben's room, he walked in with her."


When we finally open the door to our little apartment, I'm so relaxed and tired that I just want to go to bed and sleep.

I'm reaching to turn off my lamp when my phone starts ringing.

I sigh and swipe the screen with my eyes closed.

"Yeah." I say tiredly.

"Hey, love." My heart flutters and my eyes flash open.


"How's was your day?"

"Good. Great actually. I didn't think I needed a full body massage until today."

"Full body massage eh?" I smile and my eyes roll even though he can't see me.

"Mhmm. Did you do something fun today?"

"I had dinner with my parents and Leo. So that was fun."

We stay silent for a moment, just listening to each other's soft breathing.

"I missed you today." He whispers.

My heart skips a beat. Maybe two beats, if that's even possible. I don't know what to say to that. I missed him today as well. Even more so now that I'm laying alone in my bed. I feel like everything is going so fast for me. I can't proces my feelings.

After taking a long time for me to say something back, I hear him let out a soft sigh and he wishes me goodnight before hanging up.

Now I feel bad that I didn't say what I felt. I did miss him. If I wasn't so exhausted I would have been tempted to go to him and have him wrap his strong arms around me. Sara told me not to think too hard about this, but how can I not? This is all new to me and I don't know how to properly behave. I don't even know what this thing between Luca and I is.


I groan and slump on my pillow.

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