Bonus chapter 2.1: Proposal

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I'm having the time of my life. 

I'm in a beautiful, quaint village in Sicily. With the love of my life and we just finished having the most mind blowing sex ever.

But I say that every time we have sex.

But Luca is like that. He makes each time special and somehow different.

"Fuck." Luca mumbles, his face pressed into my neck. "You're crazy."

I chuckle and pull on a strand of hair. "Me? You're the one who wanted to cuff me."

"I didn't know you'd like it so much and demand we go again."

"Oh, please." I scuff. "This isn't the first time you tie me up."

We sometimes like to go all out and try things out of our comfort zone. And bondage is one of those things we tried early on.

"My apologies." He says, the sarcasm thick. "Remind me to never tie you up again."

"Shut up." I laugh and check the clock on the nightstand beside me. It's ten in the morning and his Nonna has a day planned for us. "We have to get up."

"Something is definitely up." He jerks his hips so I can feel his semi hard length.

"Babe." I sigh, even though I'd love nothing more than to say fuck everyone else and stay here with Luca in this bed forever. "Leo wants to spend time with us."

He groans and pulls out of me. "Way to turn me off by mentioning my little brother."

"He's not little." I rub his back.

"Have you seen his dick?" He asks with feign suspension.

I slap his butt, and he grins. "You perv. I meant his age."

He groans and kisses all over my face, neck, and boobs.

I give him a look, masking the effect he has on me. "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?" His eyes narrow, and he makes this very sexy and masculine noise in the back of his throat.

"We don't have time for another round and I'm sensitive." I'm not that sensitive, but we really don't have time. "And I need to shower and do my hair."

I'm saying this to convince me more than to convince him.

His gaze travels over my features, setting me ablaze. He dips down and gives me a long, sensual kiss.

When he retreats, he stands up and scoops me up. I cackle and smother my laughter in his neck.

"Showering together never saves water. Or time." I laugh.

"Fine." He huffs and sets me down. His eyes do another perusal of my naked body, lingering on various places. After one last kiss, he grumbles, "I'll take a shower in the guest room."

Because we both know we have no restraint if we're in the same room and naked.

I sigh as I watch him retreat, his butt firm and his back filled with red streaks from my acrylic nails.

After six years together, I still crave him every second of the day. But we made a promise to spend today with Nonna and Leo.


We do the most touristy things imaginable. We visit all the statues, churches, museums and more. All in one day.

Around six o'clock, Luca tells his brother and Nonna he's taking me somewhere private.

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