02| Hangover

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I'm leaning against the wall near the beer pong table and watch Luca high fiving people for the win.

Alex apparently is still not done showing Sara something. So I'm drinking water while I wait for her to come back so we can head back home.

People were pleasantly surprised that the new guy, aka Luca, is really good at beer pong and he's drinking all the praise up; chatting and meeting new people.

I pop an Advil and swallow it with a sip of water.

My brother insists on having Advil pills lying around so people can take them before they go back home. This way the hangover is more bearable because the headache is less strong in the morning.

I'm about to go up to Luca to tell him I'm going to search for Sara when I see her walk up to me.

I push off the wall while taking her in. Her hair isn't as neat as it was when we arrived but the rest of her still looks decent enough to not give what she and her boyfriend did in a random room.

"So, Alex is done showing you something?"

She smoothes a hand through her hair and laughs. "I heard Luca may take your place as the beer pong king."

"Hell no! I'm still the champion." Ben and I are among the few on campus who never lost a game of beer pong.

Sara looks to her left and I follow her gaze to Luca. As if sensing we are looking at him, he lifts his eyes up, looks at us and smiles.

He says something to the guy he is talking to, slaps him on the back and begins walking to us. When he is in front of us he grins at me, then turns towards Sara when she lifts her hand for a high five.

"Damn dude, you've only been here for like a week and you're already mister popular." She says.

"I can't help it." The corners of his mouth lift in an arrogant smile. I don't know if he has dimples or not, the five o'clock shadow on his face and the low lighting making it hard to tell. "Where has Alex run off to?"

"He's with his teammates playing some drinking game in the kitchen," she faces me again, "You want to go home?" She asks me.

I sigh internally. "Yes, please! All the beer I've drank has made me woozy and tired."

She nods and turns to Luca. "Well, I'll probably see you around tomorrow."

He acknowledges her with a smile. I reach for my phone from my purse to send Ben a text message telling him that I'm leaving.

"It was nice to finally meet someone on my level with beer pong." I joke to Luca.

A grin completely envelopes his face. It makes him look younger.

We say goodbye then walk downstairs to the front door. Ben replies with a thumbs up and tells me to message him again when I've made it back to my room.

In the now mostly empty street, we walk slowly and hand in hand.

"Sooo," she drawls.

I look over at her in confusion. "'So' what?"

She groans. "You know what I mean."

Still feigning confusion I say; "No, I don't know what you mean. Enlighten me, please."

She rolls her eyes and nudges my shoulder with hers.

"Alex's new roommate is hot, don't ya think? Totally your type."

I hold up a finger, "First of all, I don't have a type." A second finger, "And I honestly didn't notice as the lights were dim and was busy focusing on winning beer pong." I tell her with a look of pure innocence on my face.

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