32| Pizza

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A/N: this chapter may make you hungry 🤤😉


My mom being a writer has made me read a lot of books in my younger years. I would walk into my mamma's library at home and pick up a book and read it in one sitting. She got a lot of free book, to review, to sponsor and other reasons. So I rarely bought a book myself. She had all kinds of genres, but the bigger percentage was romance novels. With her being known for her romance books, it's obvious she'd have more romance related books than other genres.

I never really believed in the fairy tale, happy ending and all that, but the stories were compelling and interesting enough that I read them. She used to make me read first drafts of hers but I would always complain they're too unrealistic so she stopped asking for my opinion.

She recommended a book to me a while back and told me I would love it. I thought, 'what the hell!' I'll try it.

And that's what I've been doing the last couple of hours, listening to the audiobook of this tragedy romance book.

Maybe because the heartbreak is so sad or maybe because I'm on my fucking period but as I'm laying on my back with my earphone on, I can feel tears slipping down my temples but I can't press on the pause button.

I need to know if the main characters see each other again!

Suddenly one earphone gets yanked from my ear and my eyes flash open, ready to murder who interrupted the scene where the main characters meet after ten years but don't recognize each other yet.

Luca is smiling down at me, but his smile goes away when he sees my eyes. I think they're red from the silent crying I did.

I press pause and before he has the chance to ask what's wrong; I wrap my hands around his neck tightly. Maybe I've been crying because I'm imagining that Luca and I get separated and never get to see each other again.

"Hey, what's wrong?" The softness and tenderness in his voice makes me shake with a sob.

Fuck periods!

I'm not usually this emotional during my period. Ugh.

I take a deep breath and force myself to pull it together. This is ridiculous, it's just a fucking book! It's not real life. It will not happen with Luca and I!

After calming myself, I pull away, and Luca caresses my cheeks with his lips turned downward. I smile, "ugh, I'm sorry. This book is just sad."

"You sure?" I nod and go in for a kiss.

Mmm, this feels right.

I probably have snot running down my nose, so I pull away and go to my bathroom and splash my face with cold water.

"Okay, let me get some water then we can—" I say over my shoulder as I walk out of my room to the living area but my steps halt when I see someone else sitting in the living room.



"Baby..." he comes and stands in front of me. "Go put some pants on first." I glance down to my attire and see I'm only wearing one of Luca's shirts and my underwear.

A thong!

Leo's eyes are looking everywhere but on me. And Luca is pushing at my shoulder to get me back in my room. Well, he should've warned me first.

After putting on some lounge shorts, I come back to the living area and give Leo a hug.

"Hey, what brings you here?"

"Luca was giving me a tour around campus."

I remember Luca telling me that Leo wasn't sure if he wanted to enroll in college.

"He didn't look that impressed." Luca says. Leo rolls his eyes.

"I'm impressed. It just doesn't feel like something for me."

We decide to order some food. I wanted pizza, but they groaned, said that homemade pizza is better. So Luca decided to make it himself. I had some dough lying around and he made the saus. Leo began cutting the vegetables, but he is so bad at that that I had to take over.

Luca's cooking is distracting me from a simple task. He's already hot, but him cooking in front of me is another level of hot.

"Bella, watch your fingers. Or else you'll cut yourself."

I didn't notice I was staring at him.

"I prefer to watch something else." I wiggle my brows and hip bump him. He shakes his head and turns slightly so his back is to me. I pinch his butt.

"Can you two stop flirting. I'm hungry." Sara says. She came ten minutes ago and is staying for the homemade pizza.

When the pizza comes out of the oven, we're all ready to dig in.

Luca cuts the big pizza in even triangles and when he scoops one up to put on a plate, the warm cheese stretches and I feel myself drooling.


We stay silent while we devour the delicious pepperoni pizza. When we're done eating, we get a bottle of wine to drink. Then Leo drops a bomb.

I'm saying it's a bomb from the reaction of Luca.

"I'm going with them." Leo says and Luca almost chokes on his wine.

"How? And why?"

Their parents have a meeting in LA and are going to stay there for a week, and Leo is going with them.

Leo shrugs, "I didn't have anything planned, and when I asked mom, she said yes."

After a silent moment Luca talks again. "So the house will be empty for the entire week?"

Leo sighs and says something in Italian. When Luca answers back also in Italian, I'm ready to melt. This is the first time he's talked this much in Italian. Normally he'd just say a couple of words and mostly when he's on the phone with his family.

I should make him talk Italian in bed.

Luca turns to me, "do you have lectures on Friday?"

"Only one in the morning."

He faces Leo, who's sitting in front of us and next to Sara. "See. We'll be there after you guys are already on the plane. She'll never know. Unless you tell her."

He shakes his head. "I won't tell her. But I don't know..."

I'm very confused right now. Sara has her eyebrows furrowed as well.

"What will she not know? And who is she?" I ask.

"Mom, dad and Leo are gone for the entire week. They leave Friday morning. So I thought we can spend the weekend there."

A smile appears on my face. A little weekend get-away sounds great.

"Ooh, that's great." Sara nods.

Leo slumps back in his chair, defeated.

"That does sound great. But what's the problem?" I look between him and his brother.

"My mom doesn't like when we bring girls to the house to fuck." Leo says.

My boyfriend sends him a glare. "She's not just some girl. She's my girlfriend." He says something else in Italian.

"I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." He gives me an apologetic smile.

"It's okay." I say.

"So you'll spend the weekend with me?" Luca asks.

"Of course."

He grins and leans forward to peck me.

I already spend a lot of time with him. But a weekend with just him, in his house—where he told me once they have an indoor pool and jacuzzi—sounds a lot better than staying in a small dorm room.

Today is Tuesday and Friday can't come fast enough.

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