05| Laundry Room

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Luca still looks good even after so many cups of beer from our competition earlier. His hair though is more tousled. He's currently running his fingers through his curls. The strands look silky smooth and I wonder if they feel just the same if I run my fingers through them.

Walking up to him, I say–more like shout as the music is still pumping hard. "I was wondering if you're still here."

He shakes his head and gestures to his ear that he can't hear me. I take a step closer to him so I can say it in his ear but I notice we're next to the laundry room's door. I tilt my head to it, then step inside. He follows and closes the door behind him. The music is a little less loud here.

The room is not big, but not that small that two people can't stand in it at the same time. There is a washing and a drying machine standing next to each other. Baskets with different name tags on them and an open closet with different washing detergents.

"Hi." He greets with a lopsided grin, again, running a quick hand through his hair. Damn, he should stop doing that.

"Hi. You're still here, I was just saying."

"Yeah, I was about to head back home."

He leans against the door and crosses his arms, making his biceps stand out in his short-sleeved shirt.

Oh, he definitely takes really good care of his body.

Suddenly, thoughts of how other parts of his body look invade my mind.

I shake my head to clear that thought, then I clear my throat.

"Yeah, I was gonna see if you were still here, otherwise I was also about to head home." I tell him.

He uncrosses his arms.

"You were looking for me?" He asks. I notice a slight arrogance in his tone.

"Yeah. Well, Sara and Alex already went home. Ben is busy with some girl and I've made enough small talk with the rest of the football team."

He nods slowly and pushes himself off the wall. "You played good back there. How does it feel to win?" He asks while taking small steps towards me.

I also take small steps, but backwards.

"I feel like I didn't win." I say, being honest. Ever since he made the bet, I've been thinking about his lips and what it'd feel to taste them, to have them on me.

His steps seem to falter, but he recovers quickly.

"And why is that?" There is only about a foot between us. I take another step backwards and my back hits the wall. He smiles almost triumphantly. "Why is that?" He asks again.

"I didn't get the prize I wanted." I say. He takes the one last step forward and his chest touches mine. My whole body hums with anticipation of what I hope is coming.

"And what's the prize you wanted?" His scent fills my senses, earthy and sandalwood.

My eyes dip to his lips, and his tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip. I'm not sure if someone turned down the volume of the music or if it's my own ears only focusing on the sound of our shallow breaths.

I feel his hand lightly resting on my hip, making my breath hitch.

I'm not new to being intimate with a guy. But something about Luca makes me somewhat nervous when he is this close. Maybe it's because of his self-assured personality. It's like he can read my mind and knows what I want and he's using that to his advantage.

My hands come to rest on his chest. His heartbeat is just as rapid as mine.

"What you said will happen if I lost sounds like a way better prize than what I got." I say, peering into his dark orbs. He holds my eyes captive as his other hand touches my body, they both raise until they're settled at my waist.

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