37| Punishment

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I'm feeling and acting pretty petty right now.

Well, I don't care.

Luca, who's sitting next to me and behind the wheel, knows that something is up. But every time he asks, I tell him nothing is wrong.

When we enter my dorm, I go straight to Sara's. I take the two items from one of her drawers. I had already texted her while in the car and asked her if I can use them, and she said yes.

Luca is in the kitchen, going through the fridge for some food. This dude is always hungry.

I sneak back into my room and work fast on putting on my little outfit. I shouldn't even call it an 'outfit', as it doesn't cover much skin. My reflection in the mirror makes me grin even bigger.

It kinds of surprises me that Luca hasn't come into my room yet. Usually when it's just the two of us in the dorm, he all but tackles me to the bed and makes love to me.

"Luca." I call out to him. His loud footsteps get louder, so I take the couples of steps until I'm standing in the doorway, with one hand in the doorframe in some kind of sexy pose. The gulp of water he just took comes flying out of his mouth when he sees what I'm wearing.

A while back, I had bought some new lingerie. I thought it was time for some new pieces since I have a boyfriend now.

What I'm currently wearing is a maroon babydoll dress with crotchless panties and a pushup bra. The lady at Victoria's Secret said it's called the 'bombshell bra'. The name fits because I feel like a fucking bombshell right now.

Luca's eyes darken even more and his eyes sweep my body not once and not twice, but four times. When he meets my eyes again, he takes slow steps towards me. Like a snake advancing on its prey. I move back further in my room.

"Fuck, baby. I thought we already had dessert back at you mom's." His hand flies to his groin and he squeezes. "I won't mind a second serving though."

When he reaches me, his arms come out, but I swat them away.

"Get on the bed." I tilt my head towards it.

He toes his shoes off and dives for the bed. I try hard not to snort. I'm trying to act tough and cool right now.

I come and stand between his muscular legs. This time I let him trail his hands up my thighs. His fingers reach the front of the robe and he opens them to reveal my bra and panties.

"Easy access." He nods approvingly while eyeing my undies.

"Take your shirt off." I would have done it myself, but I don't want him to see what I have in my hands behind my back just yet.

He does what said then pulls me closer to him. I shake my head and push at his chest so he's laying on his back. After straddling his hips, I finally reveal what I've been hiding.

Pink furry cuffs and a blindfold.

He lets out a sound that's a mix between a growl and a laugh.

"Those for me or you?"

"For you." I take one of his hands and lift it above his head. When I remove my hand, he put his hand back on my thigh. I give him a look. "I'm gonna tie you up you and you must do everything I tell you."

"Bossy." He murmurs, amusement lacing his tone. His arms rub my legs and he toys with the edge of my panties.

"I'm serious." I remove his hands from my body. "This is what you get for what you did earlier."

His brows furrow like he had no idea what he's done. "What'd I'd do?"

"If you need me to tell you, we have a problem." I know it was not a big deal, but this is way too much fun. And I enjoy teasing him.

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