15| The Morning After

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My heart in pounding in my head.

My throat is dry.

My eyelids feel heavy.

My room is dark.

I feel like I can't breathe.

I take a deep breath, but it feels like there's an elephant sitting on my chest.

I try to move but I feel like I'm being pinned down.

It also feels like there's a big ball under my back.

Okay... something is off.

I open my eyes and they adjust to the dark. There is only one stream on light shining from the crook of my curtains. I take a look of my room and my eyes widen when I see clothes scattered messily on the floor.

I see a belt and...more clothes that belong to a man.

I finally look down and I see Luca is resting his head on my chest, his face nuzzled between my boobs. His arms are wrapped tightly around my waist.

Well, that explains a lot of things.

Flashes of last night invade my memory.

After he picked me up and walked us to my room, we made out for a long time. We undressed each other but I guessed we both concluded that we were wasted and tired and we spent the night just talking. His words echo in my mind, 'I want you to remember when I take you hard and fast.' I remember we talked about silly stuff but also about more serious things. It felt nice and easy talking with him. There was never a silent moment between us.

He's only wearing grey boxer briefs, me on the other hand I'm wearing an oversized shirt and some underwear. Good thing I was responsible enough to put something on and not sleep nearly naked.

He looks so peaceful and younger in his sleep. Realization hits me that this is the first time I slept with a guy in the same bed without actually having sex with him.

His mouth is parted open and puffs of breath are hitting my bare stomach as my shirt has ridden up during my sleep. His hair is messy, some strands tickling my neck. His long eyelashes rest on his slightly freckled cheeks. Our bare legs tangled together. He feels so warm against me. So right.

The position is becoming uncomfortable but I don't want to move and wake him up, I kinda like being pressed together with him.

He looks so cute!

My hand moves on its own will and my fingers tangle in his hair. How is his hair so soft? I begin twisting some tight curls in my fingers. Soon after I'm softly messaging his scalp.

He moves a little and my hand stills, afraid of waking him up. He hums and tightens his hold on me and nuzzles his face further in my chest. I smile and continue his message.

After a while certain parts of my body begin to feel numb so I squirm and wiggle a little beneath him. He groans in protest and one of his arms moves away from under my back and bunches my shirt in his hand, keeping me from moving further.

"Luca." I don't know why I'm whispering.


"Your arm is digging in my back." He removes his other arm from under me. His eyelids flutter open and he lifts his head to rest his chin on my chest. A goofy smile stretches on his face.

"Good morning," his morning voice sends tingles all through my body and straight to my core. My face feels warmer.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

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