19| Smelly

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I wake up and stretch my body a little and instantly groan when I feel every inch of my body ache. Especially down there.

I feel like a virgin who had sex for the first time.

Luca's arms tighten around me when I try to get up. We are still somewhat in the same position we fell asleep in. Apparently too tired to even move during our sleep.

I lift my face from his neck and look at him, he has a slight smile on his lips. My fingers scratch at his stubble and I nuzzle my face back in his neck. I take a sniff and I somehow really like how he smells. Even when he smells like pure sex.

"Shower with me, love." I giggle softly and wrinkle my nose when I look back at him. He has his eyes opened.

"We really need a shower. We reek of sex."

He lightly tickles my waist and nudges my nose with his. "I like how you smell."


I untangle my self from him and he lets me. I wince when I try to sit up. I look over my shoulder and see him smiling proudly.

"Are you okay?" He covers his mouth with his hands so I can't see him smiling. I jokingly smack his chest and pout.

"I haven't had this much sex since I started college." He sits up and bites my lower lip.

"Is that so?" He hums against my lips.

Stupid me! Way to inflate his ego.

"Nah, I'm just joking." I try to stand up but he wraps his arms around me and nudges my waist with his nose. Right where it tickles most.

"Luca, stop." I wheeze out.

"Admit you're not joking." I'm laughing way to hard I wouldn't be even able to speak to admit it if I wanted to.

"No." I breathe.

We somehow end up with me on my back, his legs trapping me and his hands holding my hands above my head.

"I'll admit and say you're the best sex I've had in my life." His confession makes me still my attempts to free myself from him.

To be honest, he's probably also the best sex I've had in my life. But I feel that admitting that makes this more serious than it needs to be. We are just having fun, going with the flow. I hope we have a repeat of what we did last night but if it doesn't happen this will just be one of many one night stands.

Seeing my troubling facial expression he starts kissing my jaw, down to my throat. When he reaches the side of my neck he tickles me with his stubble and I start to laugh again.

He finally decided to stop torturing me with his tickles and we make our way inside the bathroom laughing. My eyes widen when I see myself in the mirror.

My hair is messy and tangled. I have a couple of hickeys on my boobs, my lips are still a little plump from last night. My skin has more glow to it from all the amazing orgasm he gifted me with.

He wraps his arms around my middle and rest his chin on my shoulder. I feel his erection poking my under back. I decide not to tease him because I don't think I can take anymore today.

He kisses the side of my throat and his lips linger there while still looking at me through the mirror. "You look beautiful." I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh. He turns me around in his arms and I wrap mine around his neck. His eyebrows furrow, "are you okay?" I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

He's been honest with me from the start, telling me he wanted me badly. That I'm the best lay he's had. I've always been honest with people as well. I always tell them how I feel and what's on my mind. But I don't know why I'm having trouble doing that with Luca. Maybe I'm afraid that I've I admit that, he'll have something over me and it will makes me vulnerable. And being vulnerable leads to heartbreak.

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