Author's Note

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We've come to the end of my first ever book!!😁😁😭

It was so much fun writing about Bella and Luca.

At first, I started writing it offline. Just because I had this idea in my head and I wanted to see it in words. But then I was like, "why don't I just post the chapters on Wattpad?"

And I did!

When I saw the first person leave a vote on one of the chapters, I literally did a happy squeal.

I appreciate everyone that gave my first work a chance and read it.

What was your favourite moment in the book?

I may post a bonus chapter now and then, too. Just because I have a lot of ideas for Luca and Bella and because I love them so much.

Now about the epilogue...

It's was a long chapter and a lot happened.

There were some little flashbacks scenes. Some hints were dropped 👀

So Sara and her boyfriend, Alex, broke up. And I've decided to write a book about Sara and ...

Any guesses who the love interest for Sara is ?

That book is going to be called First Choice and I'll be writing a few chapters offline first, just to see how it's going to flow, then I'll start uploading the chapters online.

The chapter with the character aesthetic is now up. So make sure to check it out to see the love interest and blurb.

I'm really excited about it. It will have a little more drama than Wild Love. And a lot more steamy scenes 😏

Bella and Luca will be making a lot of appearances in that book as well 😉

So thank you for reading this book. I love you all ♥️

Ps: make sure to follow me on Twitter, I'll be giving info and teasers there. The link is in my bio.


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