35| Bathtub

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His mother is looking between her son and I. It's clear from our clothes—or lack there of—what we've been up to.

Leo said that she hates if her sons bring girls over to fuck. And that's exactly what we've been doing.

"Mamma, hi." He comes from behind me, but keeps an arm around my waist.

"I wasn't aware you were going to stay here. Let alone with a guest." She has her hair pulled back into a sleek bun. She's wearing a pantsuit and looks ready to rule the world. Her voice is soft despite her eyes dipping down to my attire at her last statement.

The memory that a few buttons are still undone makes my cheeks flush.

"I thought you left in the morning?"

It's something past five in the afternoon.

"Something came up. And I had to grab a few files." She answers him.

Luca nods. "Mom, this is Isabella, my girlfriend. Bella," he gestures to her, "my mom, Aurora."

My body is apparently not frozen anymore like I thought it was, because I extend my hand to her. She shakes it.

"Hello, I'm really glad to have finally met you."

"Like wise." She drops her hand and holds the files to her body with both hands.

I don't really feel like she's glad to meet me. Maybe it's because of how we met. Or maybe because she doesn't like unexpected guests in her house.

"Your dad and Leo are already in LA." She tells Luca. "Now I'm leaving to the airport."

"I'll see you next week."

She gives me a nod, then walks down the stairs.

"Keep it in your room, Luca." She calls out when she's near the end of the stairwell.

That makes my face heat even more.

When she's out of hearing distance, I cover my face with my palms and hide in Luca's chest, the camera dangling from my wrist.

"That was awful." I mumble.

He embraces me in his arms. "It wasn't so bad."

"Yes, it was. I'm not wearing much clothes at the moment." I remind him.

"And I prefer it like that." I remove my hands from my face and wrap them around his middle. We start to subconsciously sway as if there was music playing.

"She was just shocked that's all." He chuckles, "at least she didn't walk in on us actually having sex."

"Yeah, that would have been awful." His chest vibrates beneath my face.

"Imagine if the roles were reversed."

I rest my chin on his chest and look up at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"What would you do if you walk in on your kids having sex?" He looks away from me and ponders about his own question. "I don't think I would make a big deal out of it. I'd just tell them to lock the door next time."

My mind starts thinking about hypothetical children. With Luca as the father. And me as the mother.

I smile.

I've never really gave much thought to having children. Sure, I want kids. But it's not something I think about all the times. Luca has mentioned children a couple of times. And now that's he's mentioned kids again, I let myself think about a future with Luca, me and kids.

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