Bonus chapter: Ice, Ice...

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Who knew the simplest action makes the most sound?

Well, definitely not me.

As I tiptoe to the bathroom, I glance behind me to make sure Bella hasn't woken up yet.

She's still sleeping soundly. Looking like an angel . . . That sucked the life out of me yesterday.


But that was before I returned the favor, multiple times. All throughout the night.

She was so spent she fell asleep immediately after we came together for the last time.

After using the toilet, I slowly open the door and peek into our room. She's still dead to the world.

I walk as quietly as possible to the kitchen after shutting the bedroom door.

After nights filled with sex, I like to prepare breakfast and bring it to her while she's still in bed. But nine times out of ten, she wakes up and ruins the surprise. Most of the time she listens to my request and goes back to bed, but this time I really want to it be a surprise for her.

It's become like a tradition of ours. After more than three years together, she still steals by breath away. She still makes me fall deeper in love with her every single day. We've been living in our new home—the one I designed for us—less than six months, but fuck, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. Make tons of memories with her. A family.

Just as I'm about to put the pancakes on the plate, her arms circle my waist from behind.

Dang it.

I almost had it.

"Good morning," she trails soft kisses along my shoulder to my neck. It immediately makes my cock react. Every touch of hers has an effect on me. Even small ones.

"Bella," I groan. "Couldn't you pretend to still be asleep."

"Like the last," she hums, her breaths hitting my neck, "three times?"

Yup. The last three times I tried to surprise her with breakfast, she stayed in bed and acted surprised. But she can't lie—or I know her too well to notice when she's lying.

I put a little rose from a bouquet of flowers I got her a few days ago in the vase then on the tray and turn around, facing her.

Her smile is so bright, her eyes shining with mischief and love.

My eyes trace the freckles dusted on her nose and upper cheeks, then the pink color on her cheeks. Her bright green eyes that I fucking adore. Her pink, plump lips that I can't seem to stop thinking about. My eyes go lower, to the slope of her slender neck, then her breasts. Which are bare.

Actually, she's entirely naked.

"You're so annoying." I grumble, my arms reaching behind her to squeeze her tight ass.

"It's a talent of mine, thank you."

I want to frown, but I can't no matter how hard I try. My lips stretch in a grin and I lean down to kiss her.

"Buon giorno." I say, and tap her bum. "Now go to our room."

Every time she catches me, I always demand she goes back to bed so we can eat the breakfast I've prepared there.

"Okay." She says and pecks my cheek. She walks backward, giving me a full view of her front. Her eyes do a sweep of my body. Lingering on my hard-on that's obviously visible in my white Calvin Kleins. 

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