23| Confessions

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Every night, for the last week, after dinner at my mom's has been spent in Luca's room, between his arms.

Every time he would convince me to stay. Alex has been mostly sleeping in my dorm with Sara so I don't think they mind.

Luca's sad expression when I say I have to go would make me agree to whatever he says.

Honestly, most of times I'm too tired to even move after he fucked me mercilessly that I would just fall asleep and he doesn't need to convince me of staying.

I'm starting to think he's doing that on purpose. But I'm not complaining.

"Mmm, I like it when you use my shower gel. Makes you smell like me." He wraps his arms around my waist while I'm making him coffee. I found that he becomes more energetic and awake after his coffee and since I always wake up before him, I took the liberty to prepare his coffee so it's ready for when he gets out of bed.

"That's because you wouldn't let me use my own shower gel." His scruff has grown and it tickles my neck. I feel his morning wood digging in my ass and I press my ass further into him.

"I'm feeling spoiled. You always have my cup of coffee ready for me." I turn around in his arms and wrap my hands around his neck.

"That's for all the orgasms you give me." I wiggle my brows but his eyes darken and he lifts me up and sets me on the island and starts kissing me. I try to push him away but he hold me tighter. When his lips leave mine to trail wet open mouthed kisses down my jaw and neck I say, "Luca, I'm gonna be late."

"I can be quick." He presses his hips against where I need it and a whimper leaves my lips. He smirks at me as he gets on his knees, taking position between my legs.


I was right and I arrived late to my first lecture of the day.

Damn him for making me have no resolve around him.

I have lectures the whole day and I can't wait for the day to end to go partying at Ben's house.

"You're sleeping here tonight, right?" Sara looks at me through the mirror as we're getting ready for the party.

"Yeah. It's easier since we have to get going early." We have a girls day planned tomorrow. We have massages, facials, medi and pedi and of course, some shopping on the agenda. If we still have energy left for shopping.

My red skirt is hugging my booty really well and it makes it look even bigger. A black bodysuit is showing some side boobs. Sara is looking hot in her white dress. It's flowing and has a sundress vibe to it.

Music is blasting really hard and I can't even hear my thoughts. The night has just started, but most of the people here are already drunk. Ben and his teammates are sitting in their usual place in the backyard. I sit on the arms of Jace's chair. I feel his fingers touching the exposed skin of my back. Looking around to see if anyone is paying us attention, and when the coast is clear I lean in a little. "Follow me in five minutes." I stand up, and start making my way to his room. 

I pace around his room, thinking about how I'm going to say what I'm about to say to him. The door open and closes and I hear the lock clicking. His arms immediately wrap around me and he palms my boobs.

"I missed you."

"Jace, I need to tell you something." He removes his arms instantly and sits on his bed with furrowed eyebrows, and I have a feeling he knows. I've been telling him I'm busy every time he messaged me.

"Um, so..." I wring my hands together and bite my lower lip. "I'm just gonna rip off the bandaid. We have to stop doing...this. You know, sleeping together."

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