01| Party Freak

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On the way back to my off-campus dorm, I wave goodbye to a few fellow students in the same year as me. A group of students that I've never seen before wave enthusiastically at me. I have no choice but to return the gesture. They probably know me because of my older brother–Ben.

Benny is a senior and also the football team's captain. Last year, when I was still a freshman, he had already become quite popular and when I started at the University of Miami, he introduced me to all his friends and showed me around.

Like a typical older brother, he immediately declared me off-limits. According to him, I would always be his little sister and he thinks guys only want to get into my pants. Which was fine by me as I wanted the same thing from them.

But of course me being stubborn and insubordinate, I didn't listen to him and hooked up with some of his athlete friends. I tried my best not to sleep with anyone from the football team, just to avoid any awkwardness since I spend a lot of time with my brother and subsequently with his teammates.

My normal routine for tonight after finals would be to celebrate at Ben's frat house. But honestly, since the start of college I haven't had a break. Everyday there's something. If not deadlines, essays and just general school work, then I have plans with my mom–who lives around an hour away. Or, I go shopping with my best friend and roommate, Sara. Or, I go out for dinner and shopping.

There's always someone or a house hosting a party and most of the time people can find me there, getting loose. My mom taught me to not take things seriously and to just have fun whenever I can. So that's exactly what I've been doing since I started college. Some may call me a 'party animal'. And I guess that's true. But, I'm a responsible party freak, if I say so myself. I never drink too much to the point of getting black out drunk that I can't remember shit the next morning, I always call an Uber to drive me back home.

So as I'm walking back to my room, I'm already mentally sifting through which movie I'm in the mood for tonight.

Sara and I are renting a room at an off-campus dormitory. It's location is quite close by, only a seven-minute walk—yes, I timed it. There are two bedrooms and the best part is that each room has its own bathroom. Even though I wouldn't have minded sharing a bathroom with my roommate, I have to admit, it is nice to have my own. Our room is on the ground level, so when I'm back from a party and slightly drunk, I don't have to worry about falling down the stairs in my heels.

When I open the door, I spot Sara at the counter. She looks really cute wearing her jean skirt and a tube top. Her blond hair is cascading down her back in big waves. I drop a kiss on her cheek as I walk by her to wash my hands.

"Hey, babe." I say.

"Hey." She puts her phone down. "Go get dressed." I turn around as I'm drying my hands and raise an eyebrow at her. "We're going to Ben's."

Did I already say that Sara is my partner in crime? Well, she is. We've been best friends since halfway through highschool and when we found out we got accepted to the same college, our squeal of surprise probably made us go deaf for a few minutes.

I groan and slump on the couch. "I don't feel like going tonight."

She gasps way too exaggerated. "Excuse me! We're done with finals, so we have to celebrate." She sits next to me. "Is everything alright? Why don't you want to go?" She looks worried and I don't blame her. I have never turned down a party.

"Everything is fine, it's just I wanted to relax this time. Finals were pretty tiring," I explain.

The concern that was noticeable on her face a second ago vanishes. "Please!" She gives me her signature puppy eyes. "We can get back early. I haven't seen Alex this week and he also wants me to meet his new roommate."

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