16| Unexpected Visitor

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I have two days to finish two clothing designs.

One is a long dress with a train. The other is a couple of pieces dressed together into a men's suit.

Sara has been really helpful. She models my designs, she cooks and forces me to take breaks when I've been working for a long time. She even tidied my room when I was sleeping one time.

She's the best.

I'm having difficulty with putting all the piece of the suit together. I have one of those mannequin to help me put the fabric on it and pin whatever needs adjusting.

But the problem is, well the mannequin has a small waist and boobs. So not efficient for males clothes.

The shirt I made has to be tight. I'm going off on standard sizes. But I would still like to have a real model to try it on.

Our school is assigning the models, and we don't know who they are and what they look like. We can't call them up or anything to make the clothes fit their body. This way the students will be challenged even more. According to my profs they want us to make clothes for everyone, even if we have never seen their bodies, which is why they only gave us a couple of measurements and we have to go on with them.

I sit on the floor, measuring tape in my hand and a piece of black satin fabric laying on the floor. My back is hurting from buckling over for so long. But I ignore that pain, I'm also ignoring that my stomach has been growling since the morning.

I haven't gone out of my room except for to go to my lectures. I don't dare to look in the mirror because I'm pretty sure I look like a homeless person. My hair is in a messy bun on top of my head and I'm wearing lounge shorts and a tank top that don't even match. Good thing is that Sara reminds me when I need to shower.

I hear my bedroom's door open behind my back. I don't turn around, assuming it's just Sara checking up on me. The sound of a paper bag being dropped on my dresser echoes in the silence of my bedroom.

"I'm not hungry." I lie.

"Then I'll eat everything myself." My head whips back when I hear Luca's voice coming from behind me and not Sara's like I thought it'd be.

He stands at the entrance of my room. Arms crossed and with furrowed eyebrows. He scans my messy room, then his eyes scan me.

"You need a break and you need to eat." He picks the bag again and comes and sits next to me on the floor. "I brought Italian." He ruffles the bag a little then begins pulling out cartons of foods and drinks.

I sigh and put the things in my hands on the floor, pushing the fabric back so no food destroy it.

"I do love Italian."

"You mean Italian men or food?"

I laugh, "mhm, maybe both?" He winks.

I finish eating in two minutes, I guess I didn't realize just how hungry and tired I actually am until I took a break. Sara has lectures the whole day so she wasn't able to check on me. This is my first meal of the day.

I check my phone and my eyes widen when I see its something past six pm and I have a million missed calls and unread messages.

"I called and sent you a bunch of messages. I got a little worried and called Sara, she told me how you've been busy with your designs. So I thought I'd drop by."

I nod, then..."Wait. How did you get in?" I ask.

He chuckles and scratches the back of his neck. "I went to where Sara had a lecture and asked for a key."

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