22 - Dinner Guests

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Tine's POV

"Do I look okay?" asked Wat nervously.

In his tan slacks, white shirt and navy linen blazer, he looked like a freaking ramp model.

"You look fine" said Kong dismissively. Brothers tended to be like that.

"You look perfect" I said, squeezing Wat's fingers.

He smiled a watery smile and swallowed dryly.

"Just remember to breathe. And if you don't have anything to say, just stay quiet. There's no need to try and fill the silence with small talk.

That's how Ohm, Fong and Phuak got banned from our family dinners" said Type, helpfully.

He had very sweetly offered to drive us down for the Christmas dinner.

"Stop scaring Wat, Type. He barely speaks as it is. Why would you ask him to be quieter?" I scolded.

Type ignored me and continued.

"Dad likes soccer, golf and whiskey. You have to mention aged single malts, but don't talk too much about it. He will judge you for showing more interest than necessary in alcohol.

Mom loves cooking but has an absolutely deathly touch. Just sample everything she puts on the table, finish everything you take on your plate and compliment her generously.

Every Christmas, she is forced to bring out a silver soup tureen which my grandmother gave her as a wedding gift. She hates it from her core, but it's a tradition.

Try to make a snide remark about it, but make it seem natural. She will know if it's forced."

Wat and Kong were absorbing the information like sponges.

Wat looked at me in disbelief. "Why didn't you give me any of this dope before? This is gold right here."

"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. You don't have to behave differently before my family. I wouldn't love you if I thought you needed changing" I said.

Kong rolled his eyes. "Tine, I love you like a brother, but that was a bit too much cheese and no crackers.

Even the best army in the world needs ammunition to win a war.

Type, what else have you got for us?"

"Just don't get overwhelmed. The first time you see it, it's a bit much.

Whatever happens, we'll be right there with you. If you sense that things are going south, find one of us immediately" said Type as he turned into the lane at the end of which stood our home.

"Why would we be overwhelmed?" asked Wat, sounding worried.

Type brought out a small remote. The gates before us swung open. The driveway stretched and curved ahead.

Wat and Kong blinked in stunned silence.

"Tine, you're loaded" said Kong in an awestruck voice.

Wat just shook his head and opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish.

"Why has this never come up in the last six months?" he croaked.

"Everyone has a house and a family" I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"This is hardly a house, Tine. This is a fucking palace.

Is the Queen of England going to be joining us for dinner? Will we have food on plates of gold? Are thousands of butlers going to serve us caviar?" said Wat, gulping as we drove through the estate.

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