17 - Upside Down

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Tine's POV

"Once and for all, how many talents do you both have? I mean come on, as if Kong wasn't enough, now Wat also has to make us feel like basic bitches?" complained Ohm, morosely.

Kong and Wat looked embarrassed and scratched their necks in unison.

It made them both look hotter and even more handsome than they already were.

"You have something on your face" said Kong, and wiped his thumb across Wat's cheek.

Audible sighs and soft moans were heard from tables around the restaurant we were in. Cameras flashed and clicked.

The twins were definitely calendar-worthy.

Mil growled. "Kong, babe, if he wasn't your brother, he'd have been a skid mark on the pavement right now for the way you touched him."

Kong blew a kiss at Mil. Giggles and muffled screams could be heard from the tables near us.

"But seriously though, what other hidden talents do you have? All this time I thought the bedroom was the only place where you did magic" I asked Wat, in a low voice.

Fong groaned and covered his face in his hands. Phuak sank low in his chair.

I laughed at their expressions and ran my hand up Wat's thigh under the table. He blushed.

Wat paused for a few seconds, thinking.

"I'm sharing this only because it's you that's asking.

When we were growing up, our parents were rarely home. They're both renowned surgeons and spent a lot of time working.

So we ended up going to a lot of different classes after school to keep us occupied.

Kong and I are both classically trained singers and musicians. I play the violin, Kong plays the piano.

Kong branched out into street. You've seen him rap and beatbox. He got in with a crew who taught him hip-hop dance.

I took up the guitar mostly to support Kong when at one point his biggest ambition in life was to form his own boy band.

Thankfully that died a natural death when better sense prevailed.

We are both trained in the martial arts, black belts in Karate.

Our dad taught us both card tricks when we were very young. He's a neurosurgeon, and he says doing card tricks keeps his brain sharp and fingers nimble.

When we were ten or eleven years old, we went to the children's wing of the hospital to surprise our mom on her birthday.

To pass the time while we were waiting for her, I started practicing my tricks on some of the patients in the waiting room.

These kids had been in the hospital for weeks at a time. The delight and excitement that my simple tricks brought them, made me want to do more and do it better.

So I learned magic. Some of it on my own, some of it from my dad's magician friends.

I used to perform in the children's wing during school holidays every year back in the States. But I have never given a public performance like today's.

Oh, and Kong is a nationally ranked junior chess master.

Why are you looking at me like that?" said Wat, raising an eyebrow.

Ohm, Fong, Phuak, Mil and I were gaping at the twins with our mouths open, stunned.

"I don't want to be friends with you anymore" declared Ohm.

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