16 - Winner Takes All

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Tine's POV

Ten finalists were called on to the stage, five pairs of girls and boys. May and I were the only ones from the same faculty. Pear had sadly not made the final cut.

As Wat walked across the stage escorting one of the Princess finalists, there was a loud cheer and big round of applause.

He still looked sad and downcast and didn't so much as crack a smile. He kept his eyes low and took his spot on the stage.

I looked at him with concern as May and I walked on to the stage together.

"Wow" whispered May.


"You seem to be quite popular" she whispered and smiled at me.

I didn't pay much attention. My focus was on Wat. I knew he was beating himself up.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time to reveal this year's Campus Princess and Campus Prince.

I think it's safe to say that today's events will be remembered for a long time to come.

Never before has there been so much drama, emotion and action, both onstage and behind the scenes."

A murmur went through the gathering.

"We shall begin with the Talent Show results.

The winner of the Talent Show among the Campus Princess nominees unanimously won the judges' votes as well as the popular vote by one of the widest margins ever seen.


May Maprang of Engineering."

I smiled and patted May's hand, that was tucked around my elbow as we stood. She squeezed my arm and beamed delightedly.

The audience cheered and clapped. Whistles and loud hoots were heard from one corner of the auditorium where our classmates stood, holding banners with our names.

May curtsied and waved elegantly.

"I would like to remind the audience that the winners of the Talent Show will be featured in the next episode of the wildly popular Youtube series, Campus Beats.

Congratulations, Ms Maprang. We look forward to seeing your performance again.

To find out who among the young men here will make their Youtube debut along with Ms Maprang, we move to the results of the Talent Show for the Campus Prince nominees.

This year's contest was the closest ever in the history of the university.

I think we all know that two contestants were above and beyond in their stage presence and the quality of their performances.

Both contestants made it very difficult for the judges and the audience to choose a clear winner.

The popular vote for the Talent Show goes to Sarawat Guntithanon from the Faculty of Medicine. Congratulations, Mr Guntithanon."

The audience erupted in cheers again. I looked over at Wat, who raised his head sadly and acknowledged the applause with a bow.

He didn't turn to look at me. I could read him like a book. Guilt was eating him from within for winning the popular vote.

I wished he would let go of it and enjoy the moment instead. I was so proud of him.

The announcer raised his hand for silence.

"Like I said, this year's contest has been full of unexpected turns.

Our panel of judges struggled to choose their favourite. However, after much debate and discussion, the judges voted for Tine Teepakorn of the Engineering Faculty.

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