15 - Confessions & Revelations

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Tine's POV

Wat looked like a million bucks in a black tuxedo and a bow tie.

"Like it?" he smirked.

"Love it. Keep it. Wear it tonight. I'm going to fuck you with just the bow tie at your throat when I win this thing" I said, my voice a hoarse whisper, and my cock immediately hard.

He looked hella hot.

I heard Pear's voice speak tremulously over the mic.

"I'm going to look away now, but remember what I said about tonight" I whispered, peeling my eyes away with great difficulty.

He chuckled warmly and his laughter rumbled in his chest and through me.

Pear's poem was not exactly a literary masterpiece, but it was heartfelt, sweet and sincere.

It spoke of first love, silent admiration, discovery, confessions and togetherness.

Her delivery, shaky at first, grew stronger.

She'd really poured her feelings out without naming Boss.

She had even managed to make it funny and witty in parts, throwing in basketball references in between.

The audience chuckled at some bits, and there was a general feeling of fuzzy first-love warmth in the atmosphere.

Pear ended her recital, and a politely appreciative applause followed. She blushed profusely and bowed.

"I love you, Pear" spoke a deep voice from the audience.

There was a collective "Oh" from everyone gathered. Whispers flew like the rustling of leaves.

Boss made his way down the row he was seated in, and jumped on to the stage.

With his height and size, it was almost like he was climbing a regular step.

Pear looked at him in wonder, her eyes large and round, her rosebud lips parted.

He knelt before her, took one of her delicate hands in his and brought it to his lips. His eyes never left her.

Pear blushed prettily and hid her face with her free hand. She looked sweetly radiant and innocent. They both did.

As we watched, open mouthed, they hugged. Pear's head barely reached Boss's chest, her diminutive frame engulfed in his arms.

The audience hooted and cheered and clapped like crazy. Pear and Boss were startled and seemed to only then realize that they were surrounded by a thousand cheering students.

Boss froze and Pear tugged his hand and dragged him away to the side.

"Did that just happen?" squealed Pear as soon as she saw me. Her hand was still wrapped in Boss's bear-sized hand.

"It certainly did. I think this year's Fresher's Night will go down in history. People will be talking about this for years" I said laughing.

Boss was red with shame. "Oh man, I messed up. I'm so sorry, Pear. I didn't mean to embarrass you before everyone" he said sadly.

Pear rounded on him and craned her neck up to look at him. She extended her arm fully and patted his cheek.

"I love you, Boss. And I wouldn't have it any other way" she said, smiling brightly.

"Okay, lovebirds. Take it outside. We have the rest of the show to take care of" said the assistant stage manager, shooing them away.

In all the hullabaloo, Wat gave me a quick kiss.

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