30 - Worthiness

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Wat's POV

The party had wound up rather late, but my heart was not really in it. It wasn't fun without Tine.

I didn't see Quinn afterwards. I hoped that I had been absolutely clear where I stood with her.

I tried calling Tine before I went to bed, but I couldn't get through to him. I was sure he was tired after a working day.

My phone chimed with a notification right as I was drifting off.

I sleepily clicked it, hoping it was Tine.

I sat up, shocked into wakefulness as I saw two pictures side by side.

Earth and Tine kissing. Earth and Tine hugging.

I found my mind going completely blank. I switched my phone off, lay my head back on the pillow, and stared at the ceiling for an unknown amount of time.

I tried very hard to think something, anything. My brain had gone into shutdown mode.

I remembered seeing the sky turning a dark blue streaked with the first rays of dawn before my body gave up and I passed out.


I opened my eyes, sure that I was dreaming.

Tine was sleeping next to me, his head buried in my neck, his arm on my chest, his leg wrapped around me.

Shafts of light fell on his face, lighting it up.

I revelled in his warmth and rubbed my chin on his soft hair.

It felt so real. I caressed his cheek with the back of my finger.

He moaned softly and dug his face deeper into the crook of my neck. His breath tickled me and I felt a shiver of pleasure go down my spine.

"Tine?" I whispered.

"I missed you" he said in a soft, sleep-drenched voice, his eyes still closed.

"Are you really here?" I asked, not trusting my eyes. My brain was taking its time in rebooting.

He lifted his head, turned my face to his and kissed me. Long and deep.

"I'm here, baby" he said when we finally broke.

I gazed into the deep pools of brown that looked at me with so much love.

I raked my hand through his hair and pulled him back into a desperate kiss. I licked his lower lip for an entrance, and pushed my tongue in his mouth immediately.

Our lips searched for the familiar shape and heat, our tongues danced and explored each other's mouth, seeking the sweet taste that we both hungered for.

He moaned softly against my mouth and it pushed me over the edge. I ran my hand under his t-shirt, my fingers finding comfort in the touch of his skin.

He sat up and took his t-shirt off the top of his head. He unbuttoned the shirt I had slept in, and rained kisses on my bare chest.

I moaned as he bit and sucked on my sensitive nipples, his hands roamed freely over my body.

He nibbled along my collar bone and sucked my neck.

"Tine.." I began, but he captured my lips again in a searing kiss that left me bereft of words or coherent thought.

He trailed his tongue wetly down my torso, placing small sucking kisses along my abs.

He ran two fingers around the elastic of my boxers and pulled them down. My erect and ready length sprung out eagerly.

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