Quick But Critical Question

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Dear Readers

Not to sound like an attention seeking hoe, but what do you think of the story so far?

Like I said at the beginning, I'm keeping this one fluffy and (mostly) angst free.

But how do you think it's shaped up? Too much smut (if there is such a thing as too much smut!)? Too fluffy? Too vanilla? Too boring? Too blah? Too much? Too little?

Your feedback would help immensely.

I have some ideas and scenes I want to include in this story, but like all my stories, this one has also been mostly free-form, going where it goes. So I don't really have a storyline mapped out in my mind or anything. It writes itself pretty much 🙃🙂

I'm basically trying to decide how soon to wrap this up (or how long to keep it going) basis how you feel about the story so far 🙈

Please share your invaluable comments and feedback. It really, really helps to know your thoughts.

To those of you who have been reading my stories regularly, I can't thank you enough. I'm so grateful for the time and enthusiasm and love you've given to my work and me.

Lots & lots of love to each one of you (you know who you are, my lovelies).

Mixi ❤️💜

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