07 - The Ball's in Your Court

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Tine's POV

"Tine" spoke a soft voice, and I felt fingers running gently through my hair to wake me up.

I opened my eyes and found Wat crouched on the ground beside the bed.

"Tryouts are two days away. You haven't stepped on the court all week. I've booked a slot for us to play in half an hour. Time to wake up" he said, and stood up.

He was already dressed in his jersey and shorts. A kit bag lay at the foot of his bed, ready to go.

I sat up immediately, excited and delighted to spend some time on the court. My muscles were growing stiff from not playing.

Thirty minutes later, Wat and I walked into the sports centre. It was only six-thirty in the morning, but the other courts were already occupied.

"Good thing you booked a slot" I remarked, looking around.

Wat nodded "I figured when you got held up last night that the rest of your week would pretty much go the same way. So I thought mornings might be better for us to practice."

I felt a warm rush of affection for his thoughtfulness. "Thanks" I said, sincerely.

We warmed up and played one-on-one for the next hour. Players from the other courts soon noticed us, and some of them paused their games to watch us playing.

I blocked out everyone to the exclusion of Wat. I focussed on him and him alone as we played.

Our game reminded me of the all-stars game in the range and quality of our offensive and defensive moves.

When I finally managed to steal the ball from Wat and landed a long range three-pointer, there was a brief applause from some of the bystanders.

"Let's make this more interesting. If I land the last shot, you'll have to do one thing that I ask you to do" said Wat, smirking at me.

"Bring it on" I said.

I made the last shot. Wat looked more put out than he normally would.

"Great game, boys. Hope you're both trying out for the uni team" said an assistant coach.

We nodded, and headed to the locker room for a quick shower and to change into our uniforms before we went for breakfast.

As I showered, letting the hot water soothe my muscles, I closed my eyes and pictured Wat moving on the court.

I found myself growing hard just thinking about him.

He looked unbelievably sexy and there were moments when I'd wanted to pounce on him. He was graceful and athletic, he moved like a dream and had perfect form.

"Wat" I whispered to myself and my hand moved down to grip my erection. I balanced myself against the wall with the other.

I closed my eyes and threw my head back, my hand moving in a rhythm that I imagined Wat would pound me in.

I bit down hard on my lower lip to stop myself from moaning his name as I pleasured myself.

I burst, painting the wall with my cum. As I panted in the aftermath, I began to reconsider my Pear-plan.

I didn't think I could keep myself away from Wat much longer.

I cleaned myself and the stall, wrapped a towel around my waist and stepped out.

And bounced straight back, off Wat's chest.

"What took you so long?" he asked with an arched eyebrow.

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