06 - A Peary Good Day

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Tine's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling comfortable and well-rested.

I felt an arm circled around my waist, and a warm body pressed along my back. Soft hair tickled the back of my neck and a gentle breath fanned my shoulder.

I turned my head. Wat was lying beside me, spooning me.

I wasn't sure if I was awake or dreaming. I turned slowly to face him.

He looked peaceful and innocent as he slept. His mouth was slightly open, his face softened in slumber. His hair flopped cutely on his face.

It was a sight I wanted to wake up to every day.

I reached a finger up to trace his features from a distance. His forehead, his eyebrows, his nose, his cheek, his lips, his chin.

There were small scars on his temple, near his upper lip, a graze near his jawline. They added to his beauty.

He was perfect.

"You can touch me if you want, you know" he said in a husky voice, his eyes still closed, but an annoyingly smug smile on his lips.

I pushed him off the bed and he fell with a shout.

"Ouch" he said, rubbing his butt.

"Hope you liked it. Plenty where that came from" I said, smirking. "What were you doing in my bed?"

Wat looked at me with puppy eyes. "It got super cold in the middle of the night and I didn't have any sheets to cover myself with. I wanted to spare you the horror of finding your roommate frozen to death in the morning. Wouldn't have been the best start to your day."

"I didn't exactly have a great start anyway, with you drooling all over me" I lied, blithely.

He grinned at me happily.


I grabbed a breakfast sandwich from Fong's plate and ran to the girls' hostel down the road. I found Pear waiting patiently for me outside the building.

"Good morning, Tine. You didn't need to rush" she said kindly, smiling.

"Sorry I'm a bit late, Pear" I apologized. Wat had decided to walk out of the shower in just a towel and I kind of lost track of time for a bit.

I reached out to carry her books, which looked really heavy.

We walked together, chatting away. It was mostly about Boss, and how he was the most perfect player, but I managed to slip in a few points of my own.

"We may need to hold hands, or hug once in a while, nothing weird. Let's plan to have a few meals or coffee together, which we already do anyway. I have your schedule, so I may drop by your classes once in a while to say hi. Just keeping up appearances" I said, casually.

"It's fine. Phuak told me all about why you're doing this, and I'm shipping you" she said with a twinkle in her eye. I had the decency to blush.

As we walked down the road, I found girls doing double-takes and whispering in my wake.

"Pear, is it just me or does it feel like everyone is staring at me?" I asked.

Pear shrugged. She was a sincere scholar and a dedicated basketball fan. Outside of the realms of studies and Boss, there wasn't much else she was clued in on.

"Here we are" she said, and quickly scanned the notice board to check which classroom the first period was in.

"Hey Tine" said Kong, waving brightly at me. I fist-bumped him with a smile.

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