31 - Forever After

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Tine's POV

"I can't believe it's been one year, my love" said Wat, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

I closed my eyes and leaned back into him.

"Every day feels like the first day with you. I still get butterflies when I look at you" I said.

Wat kissed the sensitive spot below my earlobe. "And you still take my breath away with your smile."

"Give it a rest, lovebirds. There is a lot of work to be done" said April briskly.

I was part of the SOTUS committee this year. Our third years would lead it, but we second year sophomores were required to conduct and guide the freshmen in their tasks.

"Yes, ma'am" I said, sighing.

SOTUS was just as tiring for the seniors as it was for the freshmen. My days were full of SOTUS activities and I would stagger back to the room past 1 am on most nights.

Wat would be waiting patiently for me every night with food and a hug. His hugs did more for me than the food did.

On some days, Wat would come by my faculty or the stadium with snacks for everyone.

As always, his entrance made waves, with the freshmen girls swooning in droves.

Even though Wat and I were known to be together, there were always a few who thought they had a chance.

Like today, when he brought juice and fruits for everyone.

He looked even more handsome than he normally did, wearing the formal button-down shirt and fitted trousers I had got him over the summer for his student internship at the children's hospital this semester.

His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing the corded muscles of his arms. My gear rested on his wrist as always.

A group of freshmen girls had plucked up the courage to approach him as we stood together.

Some of them had chocolates, some had flowers, some probably had confession letters to hand to him.

"Sarawat, could I speak to you please?" said a particularly pretty girl. She wore a short skirt and a few buttons of her shirt were unnecessarily open, revealing her cleavage.

I sighed and reluctantly pulled away from Wat. As I made to move away, he jerked me back by my wrist, fisted his hand in my hair and kissed me till I was breathless and moaning.

"Just something to remember me by" he winked at me and walked away without so much as a glance at the waiting girls.

April shook her head. "Show off" she shouted after Wat.

I stood blushing a bright pink and bit my lip in embarrassment.

The freshmen girls stood with their mouths open, their own cheeks tinged as red as mine.

"Get back in line and learn some respect for your seniors" shouted Earn, who had come by then and stood menacingly with her arms crossed.

"I expect you to behave with some decency going forward.

In case it wasn't clear before, I hope it's amply clear now. Sarawat Guntithanon is off limits.

Please don't embarrass yourselves and us, your seniors, by repeating this behaviour again."

She glared at the freshers, who looked equal parts shocked and scared.

I put my hand on Earn's shoulder and led her away, nodding to the freshers to leave. They bowed to me in apology and ran.

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