27 - Danger Lurks

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Tine's POV

"I don't want to go" I huffed, crossing my arms in protest.

My flight was in four hours. Wat was sitting on the floor, packing my bag. I had refused to do it.

"It's only two weeks, my love. You'll be back before you know it" he said, checking to make sure everything was packed.

"I can do it later, or take time out over the summer and do it then" I pouted.

Wat patiently reasoned with me.

"GMM is one of the most prestigious engineering services firms in the country. This is a wonderful opportunity.

I'm so proud that you got this internship, my love. Fong told me they only take two interns per year from across the country.

I know you want to follow in Mom's footsteps and go into engineering R&D.

This internship will give you the chance to explore and decide your specialization in Year 2."

I got off the bed and sat beside him on the floor.

I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"But I won't be here on your birthday" I said, in a small voice.

"We will celebrate in style when you're back" he said, kissing my head.

I sighed and kissed his neck.

"You know what we can do in the next one hour before I leave... twice?" I whispered.

Wat zipped my bag, pushed it to the side, pulled off his t-shirt and had me pinned to the floor in five seconds flat.


Wat had lab in the afternoon and couldn't see me off at the airport.

I was bummed but also slightly relieved. I wouldn't have been able to leave him otherwise.

As I buckled my seat-belt, I pulled up his picture on my phone. I caressed his face with my finger. I missed him already.

It was mid-March. In just a few months, we would have our first anniversary as a couple.

I didn't know I could ever love someone as much as I loved Wat. And it killed me that I wouldn't be with him on his birthday the following week.

I'd left detailed instructions with Kong and Fong on taking care of Wat while I was away.

Kong, of course, didn't need an incentive. Fong would get my internship stipend.

"I'm a poor man, who has to feed two starving children" he had told me, pointing to Ohm and Phuak, who were sure enough munching on snacks that Fong had bought for himself.

I rolled my eyes at the three idiots.

Ohm's father and Phuak's mom were siblings who had co-founded one of the largest IT services companies in the country, and Fong's mom was the MD of a bio-pharma company,

Suffice to say they could afford their own snacks.

"Just make sure Wat doesn't ever eat alone, and gets his laundry done over the weekend.

You can have my allowance and I promise to bring back a ton of those shrimp crackers that you like" I told him.

Fong wiped off imaginary tears, while Ohm and Phuak hugged me from both sides. "Thank you, daddy."

Wat's POV

"I miss you too, my love. All the best for your first day" I said and blew Tine a kiss. He caught it and placed it on his cheek.

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