23 - The Teepakorns

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Wat's POV

I walked with Tine on my right and Mrs Teepakorn with her hand tucked in my elbow on the left.

I felt Tine's firm hand on my back as we paced to the head table.

Rows upon rows of Teepakorns gawked at us with undisguised curiosity as we walked like a bridal procession.

It was most embarrassing and I blushed throughout.

As we grew closer, I saw Tine's grandmother watching us like a hawk.

She was tiny and looked delicate. She had finely carved features, and looked like a beautiful porcelain doll. I could see Tine had inherited her flawless, glowing skin.

Despite her petite frame and fragile stature, the air she exuded was regal. She was, without doubt, the head of the family.

I could see she was seated primly on a specially raised chair, her back absolutely straight.

I bowed with my hands folded as we came to a stop before her. I saw Kong do the same behind me.

"Mother, this is Sarawat" began Mr Teepakorn from behind me.

She raised a wrinkled hand. He stopped speaking.

"What is your name, boy?" she asked in a quavering voice that still carried clearly across the room.

"I'm Sarawat Guntithanon, ma'am" I said, bowing briefly.

"Sarawat. And the other boy, what's your name?" she said, tilting her head to look at Kong.

"I'm Phukong, Grandma" said Kong sunnily.

I cringed at the familiarity. He would be the death of me some day.

Tine's grandmother's lips twitched.

"Sarawat and Phukong. Strong names. Come join me.

We started without you because no one informed us we were having guests today" she said with a half-glance at Mrs Teepakorn.

I felt her fingers tighten around my arm though her expression remained unchanged.

I saw Tine's father place his hand protectively on his wife's waist. She smiled up at her husband radiantly.

"Our apologies, Mother. As you may recall, we weren't expecting quite so many people today.
In all the sudden and last minute preparations, this must have slipped my mind" said Tine's mother, her voice sweet and cold at the same time.

"Never mind. Let's feed our guests now" said Tine's grandmother, waving it off.

A couple was already sitting to the left of Tine's grandmother, who sat at the head of the table.

They nodded and smiled at us as we were guided to our places at the table.

Tine's father sat to the right of his mother, Tine's mother sat beside him, then Type and Kong.

The man sitting to the left of Tine's grandmother bore a striking resemblance to Tine's father. A beautiful woman sat next to him. Tine kissed her cheek and sat beside her, opposite Type. I sat next to Tine, opposite Kong.

I felt like we were dining at Buckingham.

Tine's grandmother spoke again once we were all seated.

"I'm Vichitra Rajaraksapong. I founded Royal T Industries about fifty years ago with my late husband, Charit Teepakorn.

My elder son, Moke, is the Chairman of Royal T Steel & Cement. My daughter-in-law, Diane, heads our R&D division.

My younger son, Mike, is the founder and Chairman of Royal T Technologies. His wife, Tina, is the CEO of Mediacom.

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