04 - The Girlfriend

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Wat's POV

"Surprise!" said Pam. I couldn't believe my eyes.

She walked up to where I stood frozen.

"Am I the best girlfriend ever, or what. Aren't you happy to see me?" she said, smiling brightly.

"Of course I am" I said and hugged her. My brain was working off muscle memory because there was no spark of independent thought.

"Eww, so sweaty" she said, but hugged me tightly all the same. She was always affectionate.

Tine shifted beside me. Pam pulled back and smiled warmly at him.

"Teepakorn, you slayed on the court. You're really good" she said, reading his name off his jersey.

"Thanks" said Tine, smiling back. It didn't quite extend all the way to his eyes.

"I'll let you both catch-up. It was nice to meet you" he said nodding at Pam, and walked away.

I turned to Pam, who had her arm around my waist. "When did you fly out?"

"I landed yesterday morning, slept in all day and most of the night, then drove out this afternoon to meet you. You were amazing today, baby. I don't think I have ever seen you play this well before" she gushed.

"I had the right motivation, I guess" I said hollowly. I felt like the worst person on the planet.

I decided to come clean. "Pam, I kissed someone else."

She looked at me with shock and hurt clouding her eyes. "What? Who? When?" she asked quietly.

"It happened just once, yesterday. I kissed a guy" I said, my head hung in shame.

Pam stood before me, and lifted my face up in her hands.

"Look at me, Wat. Do you still like me?" she asked, kindly. I would have felt better if she had shouted and screamed at me instead.

I nodded mutely. My feelings for her had not changed.

"Things happen sometimes in camp. There's a lot of stress, and people cramped up in close quarters. The number of girls who thought they turned into lesbians during tennis camp is not even funny. I've had girls hit on me all the time. It's okay to feel a bit confused" she said, in a calm, soothing voice.

I hugged her. I didn't deserve her empathy or understanding.

But I also realized at that moment that what I had felt for her in all the time we'd been together was nowhere close to how I felt about Tine.

I liked Pam, but I was pretty sure I loved Tine.

"Do you want to head back to town with me tonight?" she asked. I nodded.

I needed to be fair to her, and have a proper conversation about our relationship. She deserved someone who would cherish her more than me.

"Why don't you go grab your things, say goodbye to your camp friends and we can drive back afterwards?" she suggested.

I ran to the locker room. There was no one to be seen. I showered in record time, emptied my locker in a bag and ran to our room.

I had to find Tine.

I burst through the door, only to find Mil and Kong rolling around on the floor, deep in the throes of passion. I covered my eyes instantly.

"Put a sock or something on the door, will you? Has either of you seen Tine?" I asked.

"No, but if you don't leave right now, you will see a lot of things you will never be able to forget" warned Kong, his voice thick and rough. Mil grunted impatiently.

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