24 - Gifts

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Tine's POV

My heart burst with sunshine and flowers.

I didn't care who was watching. I held Wat's face in both my hands and kissed him.

He hugged my waist and kissed me back. It was a tender, sweet kiss. An answer and a promise.

"Someone cover my eyes" said Type from the door. We broke the kiss, laughing.

We turned back. Mom, Dad, Type, Kong, Uncle Mike and Aunt Tina were gathered at the door.

Kong, Mom and Aunt Tina were wiping tears.

Dad and Uncle Mike were beaming at us.

Type was trying very hard to look disgusted, but only managed to look proud.

"Take good care of him" said Grandma.

"I promise" said Wat sincerely.

"I was talking to Tine" she said, smirking.

Wat blushed beautifully. I had never loved Grandma more.

I bent down and hugged her. She disappeared in my arms.

"I love you, Grandma. Sorry I went all emo on you just now."

"Let me go, you ungrateful wretch" she said, holding me as tightly as she could.

I kissed both her cheeks. She smiled and patted my head.

Wat had his arm around Mom's shoulders as she smiled through her tears. Dad patted his back.

Type and Kong stood awkwardly shaking hands.

"I never had any doubt you would all love Wat" I said, even though I had fully expected them to be a tad judgemental.

"Well, son, the one we really had our doubts about was you.

Wat, we wouldn't blame you if you decide to reconsider this later" said Uncle Mike.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence" I said shaking my head sadly, "Good to know where I stand with my own family."

We spent the rest of the evening talking and swapping stories. My family had way too many embarrassing ones about me.

Wat listened rapt with attention and laughed warmly at them all.

Every now and then, he would turn to smile at me and my heart skipped a beat every single time.

"It's time for me to go to bed. I have become a creature of habit now.

If I don't sleep on time, I become cranky. And believe me, no one wants to see me cranky.

Could you help me up, dear?" said Grandma, smiling at Wat.

Wat helped her stand up. She tugged his arm and he bent down close to her.

She kissed his cheek.

"You remind me so much of him" she said, cupping his face. Her eyes seemed to glisten with something more than just light.

"Jeffrey, could you help me to my room please" she said quickly, her voice a little higher than normal.

Wat looked stunned. He stood touching his cheek where she'd pecked him.


"I have no illusions about the two of you. You already live in the same room. You can both sleep in Tine's room" said Mom.

Wat went red as a tomato.

"I'll sleep with Kong, please" he stammered, rubbing the back of his neck.

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