26 - Yours, Ours and Mine

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Tine's POV

I climbed off the bed and brought out three boxes from the bottom of my cupboard.

I was nervous. I didn't know what Wat would think about them.

"Choose which one you want to open first" I said, placing the boxes before him.

Wat looked at them all.

"Tell me something more about them to help me decide" he said.

I tapped the largest box. "This is a gift that is for both of us."

I tapped the smallest box. "This is for you to use, but it's a gift for me."

I tapped the third box. "This is for me to use, but it's a gift for you."

Wat considered for a moment and tapped the third box. "This one first."

I handed it to him. He opened it.

It was a box full of printed cards. He read the note on the inside of the lid and laughed.

"100 Reasons To Have Sex?" he said, chuckling.

I shrugged. "They're for me to use if you say no. And I'll be gifting myself to you every time I use one of these."

He leaned over the boxes between us and kissed me.

"You are so adorable. I'm going to start saying no just to see what reasons you choose" he said, smirking.

I made a face at him.

"I'll open this next" he said, tapping the largest box. I held it out to him, and waited to see his reaction.

He opened it and his eyes widened. His pupils grew large, and the tip of his nose went red.

"It's a sex-box, like an X-Box but we'll play games of a different kind" I said, biting my lower lip and hoping he wouldn't get weirded out.

"How did I get so lucky?" he whispered, as he laid out a blindfold, silk bonds, handcuffs, ankle cuffs, a flogger and a few other items of a similar nature.

I hid my face in my hands. He pried my hands off my face and looked at me with a burning stare.

"Just when I thought you couldn't get any sexier, you go and get kinky on me.

We are going to have one hell of a new year party tonight, my love" he spoke in a hoarse, husky voice which made my cock twitch.

I blushed. He kissed my neck and ran his hand up my t-shirt.

"There's one box left" I said, caressing his hair.

He took a deep breath to calm himself and sat back. He opened the last and smallest box.

He held up a key and looked at me.

"It's your key" I said quietly.

"For what?" he asked.

I reached into my bedside drawer and pulled out a lock and another key.

"This lock" I said.


"It's the lock we will use when we have a home of our own. I'm giving you your key right now" I said, feeling extremely stupid.

It sounded a lot better in my head.

Wat stared at the key.

"It's my way of saying I'm in this for life" I said.

Wat stayed silent.

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