09 - Finally

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Wat's POV

"Guys, I think I'm going to skip dinner and get straight to dessert" said Tine, his arms around my waist, his eyes never leaving mine.

Hoots and catcalls followed.

He threw his kit bag to Fong, and pulled mine off my shoulder. He held it out and Kong quickly jogged to take it from him.

He held my hand and nodded his head in the direction of the dorms. And we ran.

We fell into our room, breathless but exhilarated. I pushed Tine against the door and covered his mouth with mine.

He moaned against my lips, a sound so hot that I felt myself hardening immediately.

Between kisses, he pulled my t-shirt off over my head, nibbling on my collar bone as soon as he lifted it over my shoulders.

I groaned and pulled it the rest of the way off.

He pulled the open shirt he was wearing over his t-shirt off his shoulders and down his arms behind him, his lips trailing burning kisses across my neck, shoulders and chest.

I tugged his t-shirt off over his head. He growled at being interrupted, but it turned to a low moan as he felt my mouth closing over his taut nipple.

"Ffuuccck" he cursed, and it sounded like an invocation. He raked his fingers through my hair and pulled my face up to kiss me.

Our lips crashed violently, desperate to devour each other. Our tongues danced and I let Tine win the battle of dominance.

He sucked and tugged at my lower lip with his teeth. I felt my knees buckle.

Our hands roamed greedily and freely over each other's torso. Ravenous fingers hurriedly undid the belts and zips at our waist.

We stood with our jeans pooled at our ankles, our hips grinding against each other, our erections straining under our boxers,

Tine buried his face in my neck, nibbling and sucking at the soft skin on the side of my neck.

He dug into my back with his nails, leaving trails down the length of my spine that tingled.

His other hand moved up the front of my torso, feeling out my abs, moving up my sternum, palming my pecs, pinching my nipples, up my neck and into my hair.

Every inch of my skin felt like it was on fire from Tine's touches. I called his name soundlessly, words escaping me.

My own mouth was busy sucking at his earlobe, one palm pressed against his lower back, pulling him flush against me.

My other hand ran through his hair, caressing him as he moved his lips across my jaw to my other shoulder.

I growled as he bit into my shoulder, leaving teeth marks.

"Tine" I called, my voice hoarse with desire.

He pulled back and cupped my face with one hand. He looked into my eyes and I leaked pre-cum just from his expression.

His eyes were dark and heavy lidded, his pupils large and delirious, his cheeks were tinged with spots of red and his lips were swollen.

A vein throbbed at his neck and his hard cock pressed against my thigh.

Still looking straight into my eyes, he ran his fingers around the elastic of my boxers.

He hooked his index fingers under the band at both sides of my hips and tugged down at the fabric.

His fingers ran all the way down my thighs and he sank to his knees at the same time.

My hard cock sprung free and stood erect against my belly, right in front of Tine's waiting mouth.

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