02 - Camp Continues

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Wat's POV

"What's wrong? You never lose your temper on the court" asked Kong quietly.

We were sitting on a distant bench by the riverside, far away from everyone else.

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration and sighed.

"I don't know. Something about him just ticks me off. I saw an opening and I took it. What's the big deal? Am I supposed to nurse his ego to play on his team?"

Kong kept his peace even though I knew he wanted to say something. We sat in silence for a bit. I realized I may have overreacted.

"I'll apologize" I said, in answer to Kong's unspoken question.

"And there's the Wat I know" he said, slapping my back with a smile.

I winced as my back stung. He rubbed it quickly. We walked back to the court.

The next game had already started. Tine was nowhere to be seen.

"He's probably in the locker room. You should go clean-up too. Get back in time to see me play, okay?" said Kong, and headed up the stalls to where his team was sitting.

I picked up my kit bag which was lying near the team benches and headed towards the locker room. It was unlikely that Tine was still there. He was probably long gone.

The locker room was empty, as expected. I pulled my sweaty clothes off and headed to the shower stalls.

A hot shower, followed by one minute of a cold stream, lifted my mood. I walked out feeling calmer.

I turned the corner to the lockers, when I found myself suddenly face to face with Tine. He seemed to have just come out of the shower too.

He looked as taken aback as I did. He promptly turned right around.

Something inside me snapped.

I held his arm and turned him around. I slammed him against the lockers and placed my hands against them on either side of his head.

I forced him to look at me, but somehow found my words stuck in my throat as I found myself drowning in his deep brown eyes.

"Cut it out, asshole. I've taken enough shit from you for one day. Don't force me to do something we'll both regret" he said coldly.

"I just wanted to apologize" I said, fascinated by my reflection in his eyes.

His eyes widened in surprise. I couldn't breathe.

"Oh. In that case, apology accepted. And I'm sorry I chewed you out like that in front of everyone" he said, his voice lowering to a whisper.

We stared at each other, motionless. Our breaths fanned warmly against each other's face. My eyes moved to his lips, moist, plump and slightly parted.

His hair was wet and droplets of water lay on his broad shoulders like dew. The pulse at his neck throbbed and his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed.

I felt the heat of his bare skin against mine.

I was suddenly very aware that I had nothing on except the towel around my waist. And a raging hard-on that it was doing a very poor job of covering.

A distant roar shattered the moment. The game was over. Players would start pouring into the locker room any minute.

I took a step back. I saw Tine visibly relax. I realized he'd been holding his breath as well.

I quickly pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and ran out.

Kong's game was about to start. I made my way up the stalls and found a place for myself where he could see me from the court.

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