10 - A Week With Wat Part 1

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Tine's POV

"Kong, could you please tell your brother that I don't like him. At all." I said, crossing my arms and glaring at Wat.

Wat sighed and reached out a hand to touch my face.

"You need more time" he said, softly caressing my cheek with his fingers.

It was Friday morning.


We'd had the most perfect weekend after our first night together.

We showered and ordered in our favourite dishes for lunch on Saturday.

Wat pulled both our beds together.

We lay in all afternoon, holding and kissing each other, listening to music and watching The Godfather from where we'd abandoned it earlier in the week.

Wat stepped out for a little while in the evening to drop off our laundry, and I got in some sleep. The painkillers had helped, but I needed the rest.

When I woke up, I found him tidying the room.

I watched in wonder as he placed folded clothes, and neatly folded at that, in his wardrobe. His "wear whatever you can find" heap at the bottom of his wardrobe was gone.

His shoes were on a rack in the corner instead of their usual "trip and break your neck" pile.

His table was no longer strewn with open books. They were arranged nicely. I even saw bookmarks peeking out of some of them.

And a new framed photograph had been added to his beside table.

It was of Wat and me, from camp. I had my arm around his shoulders and he had a shy smile on his face.

I remembered the day. We had been about to step out for a run before breakfast, and Wat had asked Kong to take a picture of us on his phone.

"Hey, you're awake. Did you sleep well, my love?" said Wat gently, kneeling on the ground beside me.

"You cleaned up" I whispered and pulled him into a kiss that I hoped conveyed my appreciation.

From the soft moans that he made, I guessed my feelings reached him loud and clear.

We spent the rest of the evening and late into the night catching up on assignments that had piled up alarmingly in the very first week of college.

I got off the bed and stretched my muscles. I looked at Wat, bent over his thick medical books.

He was drawing a detailed cross-section of some organ. His hand was absolutely steady. I already knew he'd make a great surgeon.

An idea struck me. I walked over to his side of the bed. I bent one knee and held out a hand.

"Sarawat Guntithanon, will you go out on a date with me tomorrow?" I asked.

Wat looked at me in surprise and chuckled.

"I would be delighted. And for the record, I'd do anything if you asked me like this" he said, smiling and taking my hand.

He kissed it lightly, and I blushed like an idiot.

"Oh God, you've turned me into a cheesy sap" I groaned, hiding my face in the mattress. Wat laughed and ruffled my hair.

We slept wrapped in each other's arms that night.

Sunday morning dawned cloudy and breezy, but not rainy. It was the perfect weather to step out.

We had breakfast with the boys in the cafeteria first. We hadn't seen them since we left them on the way to dinner.

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