Spl Chapter - Tine Gives Gifts Again

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A/N : Thank you so much you wonderful people who read and voted and commented on Dear Frenemy and brought it to 100k reads. This is my thank you one-shot that no one needs


Sarawat's POV - Five Years Later

I stood up and stretched my back with a sigh. As a Final Year med student, I was grateful for my pretigious internship, but the hospital work on top of my college work was gruelling and the hours were punishing.

I had no complaints though. I got to work in the pediatric surgery department, and see sick children be healed. It was exhilarating and immensely rewarding to see them walk out smiling. But sometimes they didn't and I would cry like a baby myself.

Through it all, my Tine was my oasis. He would be ready and waiting, with a tub of double choco chip ice cream and his arms wide open to cuddle me through a tough night.

Tine had graduated the previous year and joined his father's construction company as a site engineer. He had long hours as well, stretching from early in the morning till well into the evening.

Between his job and my internship, we had barely any time to see each other anymore, even though we lived together

Sometimes, I missed him so much that my chest would clench just from thinking about him.

I checked the clock in the NICU. It was almost midnight. My shift would come to an end in an hour.

"Sarawat, there's a package for you at the reception. They said it's urgent" said one of the NICU nurses.

I thanked her and made my way to the front desk. The attendant there smiled at me.

"This came for you, sweetie" said the matronly nurse, winking.

I blushed at the bouquet of red roses and a small, slim box with a note stuck on it that read - Open it later. Love, T

I smiled and ran my fingers over Tine's handwriting. It made me feel all tingly inside.

I thanked the attendant and took the flowers and the box back to my locker. My phone chimed right on cue and I smiled at the text.

Hey baby. Did you get my parcel?

Thank you, my love. The flowers are beautiful. Just like you.

Are you alone right now?

Yeah. I have some reports to write up and then the midnight rounds. I'll be home by 2

Open the box

I held the pale blue box in my hand and opened it. I drew a sharp breath. He never failed to surprise me.


I'm going to assume you're speechless

You assume correctly, my love

I want you to put it on me when you come home tonight


Tine had sent a teasing picture of himself - round eyes looking up at me innocently, teeth tugging on his lower lip shyly, hair falling floppily on his forehead.

I swallowed. He looked cute and sexy and hot and all kinds of tempting all at once.

You're killing me, my love.

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