11 - A Week With Wat Part 2

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Tine's POV

"The law faculty girls are planning to ambush Wat during lunch today. We heard them discussing their plans yesterday" reported Phuak on Wednesday.

Wat and Kong had left a bit early that morning, and I'd hung back with the boys for a more relaxed breakfast.

The relaxation lasted exactly thirty seconds.

"The Architecture girls aren't far behind. They're planning to catch him after lab tomorrow evening" said Mil, who had come down with Kong and stayed on to have breakfast with us.

"He's already been nominated for the Fresher's Night from his faculty for the Campus Prince title. Pear told me last evening" said Fong.

I sighed. Life as Wat's boyfriend was a tough one.

"You're the Campus Prince nominee from engineering, FYI. We voted on it last night" said Ohm.

"What? When did that happen?" I exclaimed. I had no talents off the court and I wasn't interested in participating in the Fresher's Night at all.

"April nominated you on behalf of the 2nd and 3rd year seniors. You were voted in unanimously on the WhatsApp group last night" said Ohm.

I checked my phone. I'd muted our batch's WhatsApp group because it was mostly just jokes, funny photos and videos. 90% of them were from Ohm, Fong and Phuak anyway.

Something felt off to me, but there was too much information for me to process and my nomination was the least of my worries.

"Hey, love. What are you doing here?" said Wat, looking delighted. I was waiting for him outside his class.

"Just wanted to have lunch in your faculty today". And protect my turf.

We sat with Kong and Mil, who always ate together.

The medical faculty cafeteria was larger and more beautiful than the others.

"What will you have? The pasta here is really good" said Wat, and I could see that he was excited that I'd come to meet him instead of the other way around.

"I'll come with you" I said and we walked together to the stalls.

Wat listed the specials in each stall and waited patiently for me to decide.

The girls in his faculty had already tried their luck the previous week, and failed. They had resigned themselves to admiring him from a distance.

It was much more peaceful here, Wat-wise.

I was sadly mistaken.

Right on cue, a large group of giggling females took up the empty tables in the cafeteria. Their eyes searched for and found their target instantly.

The law faculty girls were here.

"Let's go for the pasta" I said and quickly ordered for both Wat and me.

Wat and I picked up our plates of food and walked back to our table.

We'd barely set down our plates when the flood of girls began to descend upon our table in batches of two to three.

Some of them offered him drinks, others invited him to join them at their table, some left snacks on our table.

A pile of packets and bottles began collecting at our table.

Wat ignored them all. He barely spoke more than a word, and more often than not, simply shook his head without even looking at them.

He looked tense and irritated. He kept his head down and ate his food without lifting his eyes from his plate.

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