29 - Birthday Bumps

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Tine's POV

"Happy birthday, baby" I said, blowing a kiss at Wat. It was five past midnight.

He wore a paper crown and looked adorable as he blew out the candles on the cake that I'd gotten delivered to Fong's room earlier that night.

"Happy birthday, Kong" I shouted. I had obviously got a cake for him too.

Ohm and Phuak popped a few of the forty balloons I had ordered - twenty each for the twins.

I had asked Kong to come down to our room before midnight saying that I didn't want Wat to be alone, but I really just wanted to surprise him with the cake and balloons.

"Thanks bro. Love the cake" he shouted and waved at me. Mil stood right beside him, his arm around Kong's waist. He pulled Kong to himself and kissed his cheek.

I wanted to cry. I missed my Wat so much.

Wat saw my face and stepped out of the room.

"I want to be there so badly" I said, a lump forming in my throat.

"I know, my love" he said, sadly.

"Give Kong his gift from me. It's a skateboard signed by Tony Hawks. It's at the bottom of my cupboard.

You'll get yours when I'm back" I said, gloomily.

"I will wait for my gift eagerly because you'll come with it. And I'll put some of the cake in the freezer for you to eat when you're back next week" he said cutely.

"Stale cake and a gift that's not even for me. I have so much to look forward to" I said, rolling my eyes.

Wat laughed, and my heart lifted. He could make me happier with just a curve of his lips.

"Thank you for the surprise, my love. I think Kong enjoyed it even more than I did. He's always wanted to have a midnight celebration with friends like this.

It's mostly been just the two of us on our birthdays in the past because our parents would always insist on ringing the day in at midnight.

But usually one or both of them would have to leave mid-way through the celebrations to attend to emergencies.

You've given us both so much, my love. You are the best gift I could ever get, on my birthday or any other day" he said, sweetly.

"I'll call you again in the morning. Go have some cake before Fong, Ohm and Phuak eat the whole thing" I said.

I wasn't even joking. Phuak was a total cake-head.

Wat's POV

Kong spent the night with me even though I insisted on him going home with Mil.

"I'm sleepy" he whined and cocooned himself in Tine's blanket.

Mil hugged me goodnight, kissed the tip of Kong's nose, and went home with a smile.

"Mil probably wanted to spend the night with you. It's your first birthday since you got together" I said as I lay down next to Kong.

"It's Saturday today. I have the entire day to spend with him. But there's no one else I'd rather be with right now than you" he said and snuggled up to me.

"Happy birthday, Kong" I said sleepily. Kong was already snoring gently.

We were both pleasantly surprised in the morning when Jeffrey turned up at the doorstep with two huge baskets of chocolates, cookies, cupcakes, truffles and fruits of all kinds.

"With compliments from the Master and the Mistress" he said, placing them on the table.

He put a hand inside his coat and brought out an envelope.

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