25 - Never Enough

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Wat's POV

"Tine... my love... stop... don't" I panted.

Tine looked up at me wide-eyed, his plump lips wrapped around my cock.

The sight alone was enough to push me over the edge. My hips bucked involuntarily, and my sensitive tip hit the back of his throat.

A moan escaped my lips and I clasped my palm on my mouth.

He released my cock with a soft popping sound, and blinked innocently up at me. "Do you want me to stop?"

My pants and boxers were bunched at my ankles, pulled down roughly by Tine before he devoured me. My shirt hung at my shoulders, open over my exposed chest.

I shook my head. As if I could do anything else. Tine shrugged his shoulders and went down on me again.

His head bobbed up and down as he sucked me off, one hand expertly playing with my balls, the other pinching my nipples turn by turn.

My legs trembled. Tine had gone all out on me.

I reached my free hand out to support myself against the closet door where we currently stood.

One second, we had been walking down a random corridor after breakfast. The next second, Tine had pushed me into a closet, locked the door and gone down on me.

I didn't even have time to respond. And Tine was irresistible.

He moved both hands to grip my hips as his licks turned hungrier, his sucking became harder, his pace grew faster. His teeth grazed my shaft and it sent jolts through me.

I fisted my hand in his hair and pushed his head lower. Strings of saliva dripped down to the floor as he ate me ravenously.

I bit my lower lip and drew blood as I came flooding in his mouth.

He didn't pause a beat before he flipped me around and pressed me up against the wall, my cheek rubbing on it.

He pulled my shirt off and I felt his searing hot skin against mine. His hard nipples dug into my back.

He rubbed his hard, throbbing, wet with pre-cum cock between my butt cheeks.

I gasped as I felt his finger enter me from behind, coated with my own cum.

"Fuck" I whispered and clawed at the wall as he pushed another finger into me.

I threw my head back and bit my lip again as his fingers hit my spot inside.

Tine closed his free hand lightly around my throat and tilted my head back for a kiss. I tasted myself on his lips and felt myself grow hard again.

He pushed a third finger inside me, and pumped in and out. I was a moaning mess under his ministrations.

"Need you... inside... now... please" I gasped, words and thoughts refusing to form in my delirious state.

Tine put one hand on my shoulder from behind, wrapped the other around my waist, bent me over slightly and pushed all the way into me.

"Fuck... you're so tight, babe" whispered Tine through gritted teeth.

He pulled out slowly and thrust in harder.

"Aaargh" I let out an uncontrollable groan as he hit my spot with his engorged cock.

"I want to hear you moan so loudly that it echoes in the corridors" whispered Tine, dirtily. He bit into my shoulder lightly.

"Ah.... ah.... ah...." I gasped and moaned with every hard thrust in and slow pull back. I was lost in the waves of pleasure that washed over me.

I felt his fingers rake through my hair and he pulled my head back slightly as he pushed inside me.

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