05 - Fangirls

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Wat's POV

I watched Tine sitting with his friends from across the quad, and my heart twinged. He sat with his arm around a pretty girl, who was laughing at something Ohm had said.

"Have you told him you broke up with Pam?" asked Kong casually, not wanting to sound like he was prying.

"I don't know if I made it clear enough" I said, gloomily.

Everything from the time Tine had come into the room was a bit foggy to me. I only remembered his face, the warmth of his body pressed up against mine and that he had a girlfriend.

"You have all the time in the world with him. What amazing luck to have him as your roommate" said Mil. Kong looked at him fondly.

They'd rented a small studio apartment off-campus because Mil couldn't get a room on campus. I had politely declined to live anywhere within hearing range of them.

"Your luck is what you make for yourself" said Man, smirking. I blushed red.

"What do you mean?" asked Kong.

"Wat paid off the guy who was originally supposed to be in that room to exchange dorms with him" said Man, smiling widely.

"Well played" said Mil, patting my back appreciatively. I winced as his huge hand pounded the life out of me.

"Well, the bastard absolutely fleeced me. I don't think I have any money left even for food anymore" I grumbled.

"What do you mean fleeced? I gave you a friends & family discount" said Man, rolling his eyes at me.

"Shylock" I countered. Kong and Mil laughed.

I looked wistfully at Tine and his group as they got up to leave. Tine helped the girl with her jacket, and carried her bag for her.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. It was physically painful to see him with someone else this way.

"I'm going for a run" I said. I needed to tire myself out if I hoped to sleep tonight.

Especially with Tine being so close to me, and not being able to touch him.

Tine's POV

"Please, Pear. I beg of you. I will buy you all your meals, I'll bring coffee for you from your favourite cafe across the city, I'll do your assignments for you" I pleaded.

"But Tine, it feels wrong to deceive someone this way" she said, perturbed by the thought of having to lie.

"And she would be much better off if you never even looked in the direction of her assignments" added Fong.

"I'll be the best fake boyfriend ever, I promise" I said, shaking her with my arms around her.

"But it's weird, it'll be like fake-dating my brother" she whined.

"He'll get you a date with Boss if you agree to be his fake girlfriend for a month" said Ohm.

Pear looked at him and then me, her eyes shining, her mouth forming an excited O.

"Promise?" she squealed. I nodded mutely.

Pear was Boss's biggest admirer. She had been fangirling him secretly all through high-school. She knew all his stats by heart, and even ran a fan page for him.

She had volunteered to be our team manager, an absolutely thankless job that no one else wanted to take, just so she could travel with us on away games to see him play.

Two things had stood in her way -

One - Boss studied in a high-school across the country from us. So she had little to no chance of seeing him on a day to day basis.

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