08 - Breathless

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Tine's POV

"You don't need it, but best of luck" I said, patting Wat's back.

"Right back at ya" he said, punching my upper arm lightly.

Wat, Man, Mil, Fong and I were among another dozen or so hopefuls who were trying out for the team.

Kong had already made the uni soccer team, Ohm had decided to join the digital media club and Phuak had been selected by the university e-zine.

They were sitting in the stands, a respectful distance from Boss and Pear who were surprisingly chatting away.

Surprising, because Boss was talking animatedly and not cowering like he normally did when within ten feet of a girl.

A bored looking sophomore was making his way down the line, taking down names and positions each of us was trying for.

"Teepakorn, Point Guard"

"Guntithanon, Forward"

I looked at Wat in surprise. "Why aren't you trying out for Point Guard?"

"Because then we'd both be competing for the same position and I don't want to be in the team if you're not in it" he said, not looking at me.

"Wow! That's simultaneously sweet and a devastating commentary on your lack of faith in my abilities" I said, rolling my eyes.

"No matter who gets it, we won't be on the team together. And that's not a situation I'm willing to accept" he said, still not looking at me and rubbing the nape of his neck.

I looked at him intently. A slow blush crept up his face and coloured his cheeks.

I wanted to spend all my time making him blush shyly like that. He looked unbelievable.

"Tine, I want to call in the bet tonight. Before the day ends, I want you to confess to the person you want to be with" said Wat, out of the blue.


"You heard me"

"Then I want to call in my win too. I want you to sing in public first."



"You heard me"

I looked at Wat like he'd grown bat wings. I didn't even notice when the whistle blew.

"Teepakorn, snap out of it. Time to start the trials" said the bored looking sophomore.


Two hours later, we stood sweating and panting on the court.

Wat, Mil and I had made the team. Man and Fong were chosen for the reserves.

A rather large crowd had gathered to watch the tryouts. I suspected most of them were there to see Wat.

"Let's give a round of applause for everyone who tried out today, and to the three new, very worthy additions to the team" announced the Coach on a mic.

The crowd cheered wildly as Wat's name was called out. He shook the Coach's hand and spoke to him in a low voice. The Coach nodded.

Everyone looked on curiously as he jogged to the benches by the courtside. Kong stood there, ready to hand something to him.

Wat returned wearing a t-shirt over his soaked jersey and carried a guitar in his hand.

He hung the guitar across his shoulder and stood at the mic.

"So I lost a bet to someone earlier today. This song goes out to him" said Wat, without any greeting or preamble. He spent a few minutes adjusting and tuning the guitar.

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