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"Is she ever gonna wake up? She's been sleeping for the past 4 hours. I can't feel my legs." I complain.

"Shut up Gio, she is your sister, I don't care if you don't feel your legs, let her sleep" dad whisper shouted.

I felt Artemis stir in her sleep. Finally! Well, I might have some hand in waking her up, like bouncing my foot, pulling some of her hair strands while no one was looking. But, they don't have to know about it, right?


I wake up to the feeling of the ground beneath me bouncing, weird. I tried recollecting where I was, with my eyes still close. It then struck me. My family, the plane ride, my panic attack. I jolt up from my sleep and sit up straight. I look around to see all the brothers and Father looking at me. All of them had a smile except for Giovanni, Demitri and the twin with black hair. Gotta get used to so many names!

"Hi!" I say in a sore voice from sleeping.

"Here sorella, have some water." Ace handed me over a glass of water to which I smiled and gulped down.

"We'll be landing in 10 minutes. You want to come sit near me?" I look up to see dad asking me.

"I'll be alright, Nick" I say and place my head against the seat.

"You can be frightening sometimes Artemis." I hear an unfamiliar voice. I open my eyes to see Giovanni speaking. I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

He shows me his left hand. It had scratches on it. Did I do those?

Of course! You did it you animal.

But, he deserved it for not telling me about the plane ride.

"Well, thank you for taking care of me and helping me during my breakdown, but if you think I will apologize for those scratches, you are wrong mister!" I say and look at Giovanni.

"And why so?" He asked surprised.

"You deserve it for not telling me about the flight when I asked prior" I replied then looked at dad.

"Where are we heading to anyways?" I ask since they still haven't informed me.

"New York" Dad replied with a smile. I returned it back.

Soon we had landed. Everyone got off the plane except me and Ace. "You okay Artemis?" He asked me.

"Yes I'm fine" I reply with a smile. He then held his hand out for me to hold which I accepted. We then walked out of the plane where another Sleek Range Rover stood, along with 4 cars of bodyguards. These people must be fucking rich!

We were parted into 2 cars, Demitri, Ace, Valentino and I in one car. While my father, Armani and Giovanni went in another one. Demetri started driving. I sat beside him in the passenger seat.

Meanwhile in CAR 2.


The other car drove in front of us. I look at Giovanni and Armani from the rear view mirror. I then divert my car to the pavement and turn on the hazard. (The yellow light). Gio and Armani look at me.

"Dad. che cos'è? perchè hai fermato la macchina?" Gio asked.

(What is it? Why did you stop the car)

"Boys! I know everything that is happening is new for you. But I want you to understand that it is whole lot newer for your sorella. Help Her adjust." I tell them hoping they'd understand.

Regina In RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now