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A/N: I'm so fucking bored!!!


A man steps into a small motel room as the evening sunrays diminished each passing minute. Taking off his hat and sunglasses, he sat on the squeaky bed with his elbows on his knees while his face rested in his hands. He takes the two pictures placed on the nightstand, a smile appearing on his face.

"I hope I find him soon and kill that bastard. Then I can explain everything to our son." Nickolai spoke to a picture of Naomi.

He then took the second picture. "I hope you all are doing fine. Papa has some very important work to complete, my babies. I'll return soon. I promise." He spoke to a picture of the younger version of the Russo kids. Demitri stood in the middle with Ace and Giovanni on both his sides. The picture was from one of the times they had a picnic in their backyard. Ace had a two-year-old Valentino sitting on his shoulders, tugging on his black hair and chocolate smeared all over Valentino's mouth, while Giovanni, with both his arms held a two-year-old Armani securely. Armani had both his tiny hands on his brother's cheeks, squishing them and him pouting at the same time. While they two tried to make the twins look into the camera, Demitri held a quietly sleeping tiny baby Artemis, who was sleeping on her stomach, in his arms. Artemis had a dreamy smile on her face, while Demitri held a proud 'big brother' one.

Nickolai then picked up his phone and rang a person. "I need his information by tonight. I know his last location, but I want every single detail about him." He spoke and then cut the call. He pulled out his laptop and started working to distract himself.


It had been a few hours since Nickolai started working and it was four hours into the night. Feeling his eyes getting heavy for the first time in a few days, he closed the laptop and slumped into the bed, getting lost in his world full of memories.


"Is it your hair or it just got hot in here?" Nickolai spoke through the loud music as he leaned into the ear of the redhead girl who sat infront of the bar, her back facing him.

"No, you just crashed and got burned. Also, if that was flirting, I'd say try better next time." She replied without turning around.

Nickolai huffed and sat beside her. "Yeah, flirting isn't my cup of tea to be honest."

She turned around and faced him, only to be captured by his foresty green eyes. Not only his amazingly good looks but also his honesty seemed to catch her attention.

At the same moment He was trapped within her warm blue eyes, filled with love, generosity and eyes so deep, you could drown in them.

"It's alright." She replied with a smile.

"So, who've you come here with?" Nickolai asked as he signalled the bartender to make him a drink.

"My friend owns this farmhouse." She replied taking a sip of her sangria.

"The name's Nickolai." Nickolai replied extending his hand for a shake.

"Nice to meet you Nickolai. Naomi here." she replied, shaking his hand. The bartender passes Nickolai his bourbon.

After a few minutes of silence, Nickolai spoke again. "How about we do this," He looked at Naomi, who raised her eyebrow. "Each one of us says a pickup line and the other has to come up with a comeback. If he/she does, the one who said the line takes a shot. Okay?" He asked her.

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