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"Hi boys!" I yawn into the kitchen as I see Gio, Valentino and Kade in the kitchen. Still not out of my sleep I take a seat next to Kade and lean on his shoulder.

What? Don't blame me! Last night's events were fucking exhausting!

Aaaaand.... All my sleep was thrown out of the window when I heard someone shrill my name.

"Arteeeemisssss!!!!" The person whom I so badly didn't want it to be came running into me and hugged the life out if me.

"Ace!" I shouted after he let me go. "I've told you once, I'm telling you again. IF... IF Anyone of you... Treats me differently after last night's events... I'm gonna shove some sticks up-" I started only to be cut off my Demitri.

"Artemis." He interrupted me. I guess, He fucking loves to interrupt me. "Be ready at 10, we are going out. Also, dad's calling everyone to his office." He said and walked off. Weird.

I knocked at the door and all of us hurdled inside dad's office after hearing a come in. The events of last night played vividly infront of my eyes.

"Artemis," dad brought me out of my thoughts as he spoke.

He never calls me Artemis unless it's important. I reply with a 'yes'.

"I should have done this earlier, but I wanted you to get comfortable with us first." He said and I nodded in response. "First things first, we all know you were named as Artemis Miller before and we'd be changing that to Artemis Russo. Is that alright?" He asked.

"Yes dad" I reply with a smile.

"Second, it is a tradition in this family that the lady of the Don holds the title of... Regina." Dad spoke, shocking me. "It is passed on from the Aunt to the daughter, and from the daughter to her neice. Since you never had an aunt, and after my aunt passed away, your grandmom held the title. She then gave it to you, when you were born. After you and Naomi disappeared, even though you weren't in our lives and we believed Naomi had betrayed us, the title was unofficially given to you." Dad explained.


"And, now that you've returned, you will be given the unofficial title of Regina until you turn 17 atleast, which is soon." He concluded.

".... Wow!" Was the only thing I could say.


"To Regina !!" Valentino, Armani and Kade shouted, fist bumping their hands in the air.

"To Regina!" The rest of the men along with dad cheered.


I put on a black inshirt tee and high waisted black jeans. I pair them with my go to combat shoes. Tuck a knife here and there. I put on my Ray bans and head to the main door.

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