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It's my second last period for the day. It's English and I'm here, sitting with Mia and Emily, when the door opens and the principal's assistant walks in.

"Artemis Russo, you've been requested to the principal's office." He spoke a loud. I look around until I meet my brother's eyes. They have this ' what did you do now ' look on their faces. I shrug my shoulders and walk out to the principal's office.

I enter and look at a man sitting in a black suit facing his back to me. He turns around and I meet a pair of green eyes.

Hey! I know these eyes.

"Demi?" I ask him. His hard look softens for a minute before turning back cold and looking at the principal.

"I'll take my leave and my sister from here now, Mr. Preech." He replied and walked out holding my hand. We walk to his car and he seats me inside and then sits himself.

"Demi.... What's going on?" I ask him slowly, looking around. Before he could reply, my phone started going off with text messages from the twins.

The smarter Twin
| What did you do?

The red head Twin
| Why can't we find you at the princy's office?
| What does princy mean by Demitri took you home?


Demi took me, we are going out. |

I look up at Demitri and put my phone aside.

"I need your help" Demitri spoke.

Why does he need my help?

"Okay? But for what?" I ask.

"I was had a meeting with the Ukrainian Cartel the last week.. We were having a deal in arms and ammunition. The deal is almost final..." Demitri explained.

Why do I have a feeling like there is a but coming...



"I feel something's off about this deal."

"Okay, so what can I do?" I asked curiously.

"The thing is, we communicate through a translator, and that guy gives me an off tone. I feel he is not doing his job properly." He explained.

"Okay, is he our man or thiers?"

"Theirs" he replied.

"I see.. so you need me as your translator..." I ask him

"Yes and no" he replied confusing me.

"Care to explain?" I ask.

"You will be coming with me as my plus one.." He stopped.

"So I'm basically your date... My brother's date?" I ask. "And no translator?"

"We don't want them to be suspicious Fiore." Demitri reasoned out as he pulled into the highway.

"When is the meeting and where?" I ask.

"Umm... At one of my clubs, at 10:30 pm" he replied.

"What?" I almost screamed. "It's in the night and you pulled me out of school, leaving people to assume I had lit the school of fire." I screamed. "Wait... They'd worship me for that, wouldn't they?" I ask, now in a normal voice, like I was talking to myself.

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